Voters VS Elections

AshleyGotAss's Avatar
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I need to do some reading on this site in the future to see who and what is really behind it.

We do not live in a democracy but in a representative republic. While democratic in nature it is far from it.

in a nut shell.
Republicans expect that their candidates are telling the truth and are disappointed when they find out they are not.
Democrats expect their candidates to be dishonest and corrupt and are seldom disappointed.
Libertarians expect that if everyone would just vote Libertarian they could change everything that is wrong in one election cycle and that would be that.

Remember, we a a Republic of States. This is part of the current problem when the states stopped selecting their senators and instead turned that over to popular vote. The senators were to represent the state governments and the representative would represent the people in the federal government. We should go back to the way it was before the 17th amendment.

Remember, the old Soviet Union was a democracy, you just only had one choice.
LexusLover's Avatar
I prefer to vote in the opposing party's primary .... when it is strategically appropriate.

And it does irritate me when my vote doesn't count. It just makes me feel like there is no honor anymore among thieves, but to offset their diabolical tactics I lie on exit polls.
I prefer to vote in the opposing party's primary .... when it is strategically appropriate.

And it does irritate me when my vote doesn't count. It just makes me feel like there is no honor anymore among thieves, but to offset their diabolical tactics I lie on exit polls. Originally Posted by LexusLover
How about when service member's absentee votes are " misplaced " when the ling libs are in a tough contest against a conservative candidate ? Or when the same lying liberals decry voter ID laws as "discriminatory " against THEIR voting base ( here in Texas, the illegals ) or have NOOO problem using their steady base of "absentee " cemetary voters ( LBJ'S Box 13 Senate win, 1948 ) to STEAL an election ! ? Vote early and often YALL !
Voters VS Elections Originally Posted by AshleyGotAss
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The people who cast the votes don't decide elections. The people who COUNT the votes do.