Court Vacates ATF Rule Defining Firearms

ICU 812's Avatar

The Biden BATFE has again overreached in re-defining what is a firearm without involving Congrerss. The judge in this case (see video) made a summary judgement against the government, ruled against them and threw out the case.

There are many videos explaining this case. This one seemed to be pretty explicit and concise without much posturing or Billy-Bob BS.

TYhere will likely be implications regarding "Gjost Guns", Pistol Braces, re-set triggers and maybe Bump-Stocks.
If this judge had not interceded, Pretty soon, by ATF standards, just about any piece of material just laying around could be declared “a firearm”.

Which, of course means if you happen to get caught with it, you get prosecuted.
This is just another tactic to demonize the AR-15. Anytime there has been a shooting involving an AR-15 especially in a School setting you can rest assure it's probably a Psyop. Anytime a shooting occurs with multiple deaths or injuries involving small caliber pistols or revolvers the media hardly mentions it because it's most likely a real incident. They have to first get the notorious AR-15 Rifle out of the hands of the public before they can move onto other types of firearms. This is not about safety, Crime or saving lives because the Government doesn't care about that. It's about keeping masses at a disadvantage. Anyone who thinks the Government cares about them is just plain stupid. My advice is get a Firearm, get trained and quit falling for the Governments bullshit. Oh and stop voting it's a waste of time.
FatCity's Avatar
if you happen to get caught with it, you get prosecuted. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Unless you're an urban teen using it in the commission of crime