hotel prices? WTF?

rjdiner's Avatar
I was looking to do an outcall with one of our newer ladies late last week when I checked the outrageous prices for rooms in this shithole community. A dump was $150. Fuck it. I'll beat my own meat before I allow those bastards to rip me off like that. If you tried to sell a chainsaw or a case of water with that markup you'd be in jail. But because these fine, upstanding citizens belong to the Chamber of Commerce they get a pass.
Bill James's Avatar
Yep, supply and demand. Insurance companies have a lot or Harry people put up in motels. When Kayla Knox got to town she was surprised, not just cost but availability.
nedsum121's Avatar
Worse in austin guys. Crazy had to stay in budda no rooms and hotels that normaly 80 bucks 200 a night. Crazy!
DocHolyday's Avatar
Yo RJ, stop complaining, pull up some of 50's reviews, get ya a bottle of premium lotion/lube and wank off. You will save a lot of $$$ & not have to contribute to the upstanding C of C members.
You have to book about a week in advance to find a place
sweet.amber.lynn.milf's Avatar
I had to cancel my trip bc I couldn't get any vacancies
DocHolyday's Avatar
That ^^^^^^ SUX in a bad way!!!
Same problem in Victoria - almost no rooms available and very few providers.
rjdiner's Avatar
Yeah it looks like Harvey did what LE can't, that is to put our hobby out of business. If a girl has her own incall now she is golden.
supermario691's Avatar
that's because every hotel in rockport and Aransas are damaged. all the contractors and electrical workers are staying in Corpus Christi
proteus317's Avatar
Stand in the middle of the lobby.


Tap your heels three times.

Nothing will change.
I think I saw an advertisement for La Quinta for $55, availability is a different story