The Fiscall Cliff - Let's make a deal?

markroxny's Avatar
A prominent Republican senator told a local radio station on Friday that he would consider raising marginal tax rates as part of a balanced package of entitlement reforms, going further than most of his colleagues in signaling an openness to increasing taxes on income over $250,000. During an appearance on KTRS The Big 550 , Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) said he would consider allowing President Bush’s tax cuts to expire on higher-end income if Democrats support changes to entitlement programs like Medicare:
Q: Are you open to voting for some type of compromise that would increase marginal tax rates?
BLUNT: I think I’m unlikely to do that. I think if we had real long-term entitlement reform that would offset the negative economic impact of raising tax rates,that’s something to talk about and that’s the deal.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Democrats have a long history of reneging on spending promises. Can't be trusted at all.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar Originally Posted by markroxny
Don't you gentlemen get it?? We have no revenue coming in because the wealthiest don't want to pay taxes. I paid about 25 percent when I was only making sixty thousand per year. My boss paid less in taxes than I did. This happens every day, and most "average Americans" don't even know about it.

Thank God that we have another point of view...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Let Odumbo drive it over the edge! The ensuing obituary will befit his fucked-up administration.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have. Gerald Ford
tttalinky's Avatar
A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have. Gerald Ford Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Thats what makes todays political people in Washington criminals. The sad thing about it is people try to come up with logical reasons why we are in debt or the reason for high unemployment. I have to laugh at the jack asses on here who post stupid little graphs and cut&Paste articles of Bull Shit to prove their point. The bottom line is, the reason for our country's problems is because of years of Americans voting for criminals to run the country. Honest sincere people can't become president guys like Ron Paul, Gary Johnson ect. Gerald Ford's could never be elected and the reason why JFK was assasinated. Thats the world we live in , that politics. Until Government becomes afraid of the people instead of the people being afraid of the Government nothing will ever change.
Damn COG is the main one with graphs and BS you are really dissing him
Damn COG is the main one with graphs and BS you are really dissing him Originally Posted by ekim008
Iam not dissing anyone in particular and you know that. Don't start any B.S. yourself.
Even though this song was one of my favorites. I am still flattered they used it in a political parody.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Show me the spending cuts first.

Show me the spending cuts first.

Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You do not get a democrat or a republican to vote for spending cuts without some sort of spending increase elsewhere. When you get down to brass tax, the final bill will be some compromise made between Harry Reid and John Boehner. Harry may be able to bring about 30-35 others in the Senate to vote for it without having to grease the skids in anyway. Boehner can probably get about 50 Republicans and maybe 100 Democrats to vote for the compromise without any pork for them. The final bill will have so many hidden new spending programs that in the end no true cuts will be made.
You do not get a democrat or a republican to vote for spending cuts without some sort of spending increase elsewhere. When you get down to brass tax, the final bill will be some compromise made between Harry Reid and John Boehner. Harry may be able to bring about 30-35 others in the Senate to vote for it without having to grease the skids in anyway. Boehner can probably get about 50 Republicans and maybe 100 Democrats to vote for the compromise without any pork for them. The final bill will have so many hidden new spending programs that in the end no true cuts will be made. Originally Posted by fetishfreak
Yeah, I bet you're right. Everyone has to feel a sense of victory no matter how lame. In the end their efforts will all unravel like a cheap sweater.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-01-2012, 05:44 PM
Democrats have a long history of reneging on spending promises. Can't be trusted at all. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
As do Republicians...Reagan did not cut government spending nor reduce its size.

Something you close your eyes to.

Our form of government is geared to spend. Not only that we have or maybe because we have this ignorant mass that wants evey program cut but the one's they cherish. Kinda like you with Defense. There should be an accross the board spending cut, however small each and every year until we get this debt under control. But it is not the Democrats fault not the is the American public's fault.
Iam not dissing anyone in particular and you know that. Don't start any B.S. yourself. Originally Posted by acp5762

don't scold me my feelings might get hurt...