Recent Trends that Weren't

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For those of you not keeping score at home, here's a brief touching on some of the Teawipe apocalyptic "trends" and otherwise Chicken Little hair-on-fire moments. None of them, of course have as of yet to even remotely come true:

The Stock Market Crashed on 11/7/12 never to return - hmmmm, the DJIA beat the 11/2/12 high yesterday and today

Gas will be $6.00 per gallon if Obama is elected - gasoline was $2.93 at RaceTrac when I passed this morning

Wisconsin is Trending Romney - well, this has gotten plenty of play - poor Trendaway

There are plenty more, but you get the idea. COsFb picks such obscure bullsh*t it's not even worth the sweat off of my eyelid to bother tracking down his esoteric, manipulative horse-hockey. As in what used to be, "You Can Be Sure If It's Westinghouse," is now "You Can Be Sure It's FOS If It's COsFb."

JDB finds links off of the women's stalls in the gym he sweeps and mops for a living and develops a political philosophy from them.

In-Bred-Hanking-and-Yanking continually makes the case for "spilling one's seed on the ground."

As for Trendaway, well, heh heh heh, it'll never be ha!ha!ha!...etc, etc etc.

Perhaps these guys should quit throwing their sh*t on walls that aren't already covered in SuperGlue so it will have a chance of sticking.
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