why no charili

Why does charli have ads all over the place, but no one is letting us know how she is? or whatever?
there has been 2 very different reviews?

the good one


she changed to crap?

or dont know what BW means?

no, that makes no sense

Activities: BW/ Mis
pretty sure it is Breast Worship...
oldman49's Avatar
Maybe body worship

Take your pick :

Best Western
Biological Weapon
Butt Weld
Brot für die Welt
Brazilian Wife
Borehole Water
TailHooked's Avatar
It is possible that the regular posters here aren't interested in her.
  • moman
  • 02-14-2022, 11:34 PM
Why not leave a review for the rest of us?
I don’t see how that second review is crap. Sounds like the reviewer tapped out.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Why not leave a review for the rest of us? Originally Posted by moman


Just because a chick has limited reviews doesn't mean anything. Ditto for mixed reviews. The reader has to decide if the subject of the review is worth seeing. The author of the review isn't writing unbiased, just the facts news. They're writing opinion pieces. For example, I don't put stock in your reviews because I think they're almost always negative.