Encounter: Magic Fingers

VR6MK2's Avatar
User ID: VR6MK2
Date: 2/23/24
Name: Cindy
Phone: 412-209-5351
Email Address: N/A
URL (Profile or Bio Page): N/A
City: North Versailles
State: Pennsylvania
Address: Right by the DQ
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: Light massage, ROS
Duration of Encounter: 30 minutes
Hair Length and Color: Dark, tied back
Age: 34 ish
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Fairly average built, but attractive. Soft in the middle, not fat by any means…I would call her realistic. She looks cute in the skirt and high socks. Average face, you wouldn’t really take a second look at in the grocery store but not bad.
Recommendation: Yes
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Originally Posted by Eroticvoyager
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Originally Posted by flows-with-water
I never even noticed a number on the door…I’m not exactly the most observant person