what do you think

So I had an appointment at 530 today. I got to the incall 20 minutes early and there was a police car in front of the complex. I am parked across the street. I wait and at about 520 he gets in his car and leaves. A minute after that he comes accross the street and drives through the parking lot I am in, just watching everyone, including me I think. Then he leaves. Right at 530 when I am supposed to go across the street for my appointment he drives through the parking lot again. It freaks me out so I leave. I text the provider and told her there is a cop car outside and I dont feel safe so I am leaving.

I get a text from the provider 5 minutes later just pissed at me. Saying how the cop was not there for me, that I ruined her whole day and not to text her again as her services where no longer for me. I have seen her before. I do understand that her time is money, I get it, this is a business. I text her apologizing and told her I would make it up to her but no response. I text 3 times, but again, I get it, she doesnt want to see me again. Now understand, I am not going to lose any sleep over it as there are other providers out there , but I feel kind of bad as I like seeing her, even though I have only seen her once I was going to repeat. It sucked that it happened but such is life.

My questions for the ladies is, would you forgive me and see me again or would you say screw you and never see me again?

For the guys, I know I am a pussy but what would have you done? It kind of freaked me out so I bolted. Would have you stayed if you where in that position.

I dont think I have ever posted a thread before so I thought this would be kind of cool. FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same kind of thing happened to me not long ago. Pulled up to where my friend for the hour was staying. And what do you know? 4 police cars parked in front. The only reason I didn't turn around and run for the hills was because if I had I believe I would have looked suspicious and because I had seen the friend before. Always always go with your instincts. And if the provider in ? didn't understand. Then it's her loss especially if you had seen her before. Understanding and open mindedness is key in this bussiness. If you ruined her day then it wasn't good to begin with. She should have offered you a sorry you got the sh*t scared out of you discount. IMHO
i could understand where youre coming from.
rather be safe than sorry.

on the other hand, i could understand where shes coming from.
it "could" have messed up her day. who knows if she lost the $ on the room if you were her only client. who knows that she didnt have other cancels that day. who knows if she had known sooner, she couldve scheduled someone else.

i disagree that she shouldve given him a discount for being spooked.
maybe it was a joke

i wouldve bailed like you did!! nice of you to text her.
i would give you another shot.
No way you're a pussy for being cautious. It's ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry. I would have done the same.
Maxxi Roxx's Avatar
I think that provider is acting childish and immature and apparently not taken her clients concern or safety seriously. Instead she makes it all about her which actually it is not, it effects both of you.

No she does not need to offer a discount!

Instead she should have been understanding and supportiive and coaxed him back to the appointment by re-assuring him that the cop was not there for her.

You didn't do anything wrong you did everything right!
Dude, what you did is completely understandable. If people can't respect that fuck them.
Ok for those who don't read my other posts or know my writing style. I was joking about the discount. But really if the provider in question day was ruined due to the cancellation. Then hell a discount would have maybe made her day salvagable. Especially if he was a repeat client. I personally appreciate the guys who appreciate me by offering a repeat offender discount. But because I do, doesn't mean I expect everyone to. It was a joke, sorry some of the ladies didn't catch the humor in it.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
Sounds like you did the right thing... you saw what looked like a scary situation... you got out of there and let the provide know what you were doing and why. She should have been more understanding about your reservations about the whole situation. If not, move on and find someone else to work with.
Maxxi Roxx's Avatar
Ooops my fault I'm guilty!

All what I did was read daaaaaman post and posted what I thought about situation.

It wasn't til I went to correct my spelling in my post that I saw a glimpse of someone saying 'she should have offered a discount". I didn't even look to who it was mentioning a discount.

And honestly I assumed it was a guy who posted it. You know what they say about assuming.

I did not read anything else in that post.

I had my opinon about the discount and I posted it, But I only posted 1/2 of what I thought and that was wrong, sorry. So I will finish it now.

I don't agree with offering him a discount about the cop situatuion. But I do think because of how she handled the situation and because he stll would like to see her even after she acted very immature, that "Yes", she should offer him a discount.

Okay I am going home and going to night night!
Randall Creed's Avatar
I've been in that situation a few times myself. In some instances I drove away and called/texted the provider and let her know what was up. They've been understanding each time. We simply readjusted the time or after reassurance on her part, I went on up. In other instances of such, I've walked in right past them, went upstairs to the provider, gave her some beautiful cock, and left without incident. I guess you just gotta go with your instincts. One of those times they were getting ready to take someone away, and passing by I heard something about a possible stabbing. I was thinking, "Well, they ain't here for me, soooo, no need to worry." There have been a couple times where I couldn't go through with it and called/texted the provider saying I was feeling guilty about 'doing this' to my girlfriend and backed out.

When it doubt, always go with your gut.
ferdburf's Avatar
Everyone has to do what feels comfortable for them, so please don't think I'm faulting you for what you did, but . . .

She works from an apartment complex, you said, so I'll assume probably hundreds of people live there. I would have texted/called her to find out if she was the subject of the police activity (calling would be better so you could maybe gauge truthfulness/excitement in her tone of voice), and if the po-po weren't there for her benefit/detriment, I would assume it has to do with one of the other hundred or so tenants and smiled and busted a nice nut knowing my hard-earned tax dollars were being spent wisely right outside the door.
CoHorn's Avatar
Sometimes the police are just there for something else. I had an appointment with a well known and reviewed provider a few months ago at a hotel incall. Three police cars were out front and I admit I was a little worried. At that point I hadn't done anything against the law so I got out of the car and walked right by them to the entrance; we exchanged nods as I walked by.
FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by daaaaaman
LOL!!!! SLUTS UNITED!!!!!! See you next week :-)
Precision45's Avatar
You did the right thing, your safety is first and foremost. She'll get over it
Well, the cop was looking for someone/something.(not you) You probably could have just acted like you owned the place and walked right past the cruiser. But, I'm totally with you on not being in the mood to be asked alot of questions by the authorities at that particular point in time. Always go with your gut. If you're going to be bitched-out for being prudent, that doesn't sound like the type of Provider you want to see.

Just my .02.