Well. This is a bit concerning for pretty much everyone here....

Grace Preston's Avatar
PeterBota's Avatar
20.000 years of selling pussy. It ain’t gonna stop. Carry on selling
Grace Preston's Avatar
Of course it won't stop... it will just be more difficult if this slides by-- not to mention its a damn good gateway to turning this into a Federal crime.
jjxxx's Avatar
  • jjxxx
  • 12-15-2017, 04:14 PM
http://reason.com/blog/2017/12/12/fe...sses-judiciary Originally Posted by Grace Preston
The dude behind this (Bob Goodlatte (R-Virginia)) is a fucking pain in the ass. If memory serves me correctly he was the douchebag behind making online poker playing (for money) illegal in the US some number of years back. This guy is the worst of the worst of the moral-majority republicans. I wonder what skeletons he has in his closet, the more strident ones usually have something pretty damning in there. (Damning by their own morality, not like I give a fuck what they do in private.)
jjxxx's Avatar
  • jjxxx
  • 12-15-2017, 04:23 PM
Of course it won't stop... it will just be more difficult if this slides by-- not to mention its a damn good gateway to turning this into a Federal crime. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
If I read the article correctly - if this bill passes then it would be possible to prosecute any eccie member who has published 5 or more reviews with a Federal crime.

I wish there were more folks (not just the libertarian think-tanks, like Cato and Reason.com) to speak up on behalf of Sex-workers and their clients, and defend our rights to do what we want in private with mutually consenting adults.

Someone needs to bring down that Goodlatte fellow - investigative journalists... where are you!? Help!
lda523287's Avatar
Of course it won't stop... it will just be more difficult if this slides by-- not to mention its a damn good gateway to turning this into a Federal crime. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I agree wholeheartedly, this would certainly change my thinking.
pyramider's Avatar
Fuck 'em. Taint was not mentioned once thus taint related activities would be legal.
The dude behind this (Bob Goodlatte (R-Virginia)) is a fucking pain in the ass. If memory serves me correctly he was the douchebag behind making online poker playing (for money) illegal in the US some number of years back. This guy is the worst of the worst of the moral-majority republicans. I wonder what skeletons he has in his closet, the more strident ones usually have something pretty damning in there. (Damning by their own morality, not like I give a fuck what they do in private.) Originally Posted by jjxxx
You can still play poker online. Just go to the dark web.
http://reason.com/blog/2017/12/12/fe...sses-judiciary Originally Posted by Grace Preston
The feds are already going after those who solicit via social media. Honestly, I've never been too much concerned with online escorting until now. It looks like the shit is about to hit the fan.
jjxxx's Avatar
  • jjxxx
  • 12-15-2017, 09:19 PM
You can still play poker online. Just go to the dark web. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
Didn't know that...
  • grean
  • 12-16-2017, 07:59 PM
This proposed bill won't go any where. DOA if it ever gets a floor vote.
TinMan's Avatar
Yeah, and even a conservative SC would have a hard time upholding this law if it ever came to be.

But, we live in strange times, so I suppose anything is possible.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
And how do you prove it's really a sex ad? Well, you set her up and bust her. This just adds a new charge. And the Feds cannot possibly keep up with the charges.

Then there are the rulings that a forum host cannot be held responsible for what is posted by forum members. I am sure one of the lawyers can correct me if I am wrong, but that went all the way to the Supreme Court if I am not mistaken. This would mean that places like Backpage have an issue, but they already have legal problems, just like Big Dog did.

The key is not to charge for the ads and not actively pimp girls.
What is with these People who are after people like this....this is just another jobs bill to increase the police force for unnecessary things....why don’t they legalize it zone it and regulate it. This is just another big brother project.....as much as I hate it you will see violent crimes increase and it’s just a stupid idea.....when will they come up with a solution to people’s problems instead of institution a final solution (sarcasm)
Typical politics.

Pick a hot issue, such as exploitation of women. Devise a plan that will employ a buncha folks who go for the easy targets. More jobs. Less crooks. Re-election.

Next term, pick a new issue, such as exploitation of immigrants. Tell everyone how great you did with your last project. Troop out three or four "victims" to laud over you. New plan. More jobs. Less crooks. Re-election.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.