Pubic hair

jdean208's Avatar
I was watching Chelsea Lately last night, as she is my new authority on all things sex related. She mentioned that the trend of shaving or waxing pubic hair is waning, no pun intended. I looked at some celebrity trend websites, since these guys determine everything behavioral in our star-obsessed culture, and she is right. The topic is out there.

So are we seeing such a trend in our hobby? Are the concerns about increased risk of transmission of STDs, reduction of area for production and transmission of pheromones, absence of pubic hair as a dry lubricant, etc., beginning to take hold?

I cut mine short, but have always been too afraid of STD transmission through skin abrasions and nicks to shave or wax. Thoughts, ideas, comments, accusations, etc?

Well, I got alittle twisted around, with your wording....
however, I will say that, most men & women, I know in the hobby, shave or trim low.
Is this risking, the chance of a spread, of STD's, I can not say, but is common practice.
I just hate when there's a pubic hair in my food. Seems like it takes forever to get out of my mouth.