Working class voters: why America's poor are willing to vote Republican

Absolutely stunning Republican / Tea Party hypocrisy.

Liberals question why poor voters who use public assistance still vote for Republicans who want to cut those very services.

There is nothing more vexing to liberals than poor Republicans. Their very existence rankles. It turns their world on its head and their assumptions inside out. The effort to explain them is understood not just as a political paradox but a psychological disorder. They have been duped. They must have been. To many liberals these are the condemned tying the noose for their own execution.

The Top 10 Republican States that complain about Obama and his policies but receive the most in benefits from the Federal Government:
New Mexico, Mississippi, Alaska, Louisiana, W. Virginia, N. Dakota, Alabama, S. Dakota, Virginia, Kentucky

The bottom 10 States that give more to the federal government in taxes than they get in return are blue States:

New Jersey, Nevada, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware, California, New York, Colorado

How can you explain the fact that the denizens of the most welfare dependent states in the country—dare we say, those who enjoy the most benefits from socialism—profess to abhor welfare?

Welfare Queens of the South (who hate Obama care)

8/10 states with the highest non-payment rates are solidly Republican. The exceptions are New Mexico and Florida

I B Hankering's Avatar
The mendacious Slate article you cite has already been discussed in this forum, zany. Many of the dollars that you and the author of that article "pretend" are welfare dollars actually go towards government payroll, government bases and facilities and government projects that benefit every American citizen: this does not constitute "welfare" as you mendaciously imply. Further, zany, you'll note how the author of your Slate article actually admits that he stupidly and delusively considers "national defense" to be "welfare" and then continues a false narrative to misrepresent it as such. Here are charts that illustrate how you and the Slate author are nothing but lying assholes, zany.

Lol Southern States are welfare queens it's no secret. You only tried to address part of my argument. Care to explain the highest non payment States.

Welfare queens and leechers. Pathetic bunch you are.
Budman's Avatar
What is truly amazing is that blacks overwhelmingly vote for the democrats when the policies put in place by the democrats have done absolutely nothing to help them and have in many cases hurt them. Maybe the poor you so despise for voting for the republicans actually believe that we are responsible for our own well being and it is not the government's place to provide for everything in our lives. You fucking libs are going to run this great country into the ground so far that we may never recover.
What is truly amazing is that blacks overwhelmingly vote for the democrats when the policies put in place by the democrats have done absolutely nothing to help them and have in many cases hurt them. Maybe the poor you so despise for voting for the republicans actually believe that we are responsible for our own well being and it is not the government's place to provide for everything in our lives. You fucking libs are going to run this great country into the ground so far that we may never recover. Originally Posted by Budman
I'm bout to go grab some Pad Thai but I will address your stone age drivel soon. Interesting especially your need to interject race. Most of you Republicans are a bright bunch I tell ya. Lol I can't wait to really answer you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Lol Southern States are welfare queens it's no secret. You only tried to address part of my argument. Care to explain the highest non payment States.

Welfare queens and leechers. Pathetic bunch you are
. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
The charts posted address and disprove your whole mendacious argument and illustrate how you and the Slate author are pathetically misrepresenting the data, zany. No matter how much you and your cited author willfully lie, defense spending isn't "welfare", zany. Service personnel, e.g., soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen and Coast Guard personnel, are earning those defense dollars by putting their lives on the line defending your duplicitous-ass, zany. Furthermore, service personnel, e.g., soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen and Coast Guard personnel, tend to be more conservative and patriotic than your ilk, zany; hence, that's the reason they vote Republican, zany.
I'm bout to go grab some Pad Thai but I will address your stone age drivel soon. Interesting especially your need to interject race. Most of you Republicans are a bright bunch I tell ya. Lol I can't wait to really answer you. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Hey newbie shut the fuck up
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Boys and girls, IBIdiot's word for the day is "mendacious!"

I'm bout to go grab some Pad Thai but I will address your stone age drivel soon. Interesting especially your need to interject race. Most of you Republicans are a bright bunch I tell ya. Lol I can't wait to really answer you. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Rabiznaz, you do know that every single person lynched in this country was lynched by a DEMOCRAT ... RIGHT?
  • jwood
  • 11-07-2014, 08:36 PM
"Liberals question why poor voters who use public assistance still vote for Republicans who want to cut those very services. "

This is a false statement. People on welfare don't vote, period.
flghtr65's Avatar
"Liberals question why poor voters who use public assistance still vote for Republicans who want to cut those very services. "

This is a false statement. People on welfare don't vote, period. Originally Posted by jwood
The poor people from Vicksburg, Mississippi in this video vote. The last person interviewed is unemployed, gets food stamps and votes for the republicans. LOL.
I don't know about the other Southern States the OP mentioned. But Louisiana isn't a strong Republican State, being that out of the 2,8 Million registered voters, 1.3 million are Democrats and about 790,000 are Republican and the remaining 700,000 are other. It just so happens southern states typically have most of the nations poorest people, both Republican and Democrat. So it shouldn't be no surprise they take advantage of welfare programs.

I'm bout to go grab some Pad Thai but I will address your stone age drivel soon. Interesting especially your need to interject race. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
The word you were looking for was "inject" not "interject", you pseudo-intellectual mope.

Budman didn't say something abruptly or interrupt anyone.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lol Southern States are welfare queens it's no secret. You only tried to address part of my argument. Care to explain the highest non payment States.

Welfare queens and leechers. Pathetic bunch you are. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
He kind of destroyed your argument. The only thing you can do is to go back, remove the military component, and redo your numbers. Let me know where California and Illinois end up.

I also have to ask, how did you decide (we're pretending that you did the research) what is "poor"? The cost of living is lower in the south so less wages go further. The cost of living in New York and California is ridiculous.
What is truly amazing is that blacks overwhelmingly vote for the democrats when the policies put in place by the democrats have done absolutely nothing to help them and have in many cases hurt them. Maybe the poor you so despise for voting for the republicans actually believe that we are responsible for our own well being and it is not the government's place to provide for everything in our lives. You fucking libs are going to run this great country into the ground so far that we may never recover. Originally Posted by Budman

Most Blacks vote Democrat not because of government handouts but rather because they're running from the overt racism that Republicans gleefully allow in their party resulting in policies that work to harm them.

I think you would agree with conservative writer Thomas Paine born in the 1700's and died in the early 1800's he said:

Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one.
He then went on to say:

Those who want to reap the benefits of this great nation must bear the fatigue of supporting it.
The premise of my OP is that poor Southerners think the government is evil and intolerable but yet they require welfare and assistance and still don't want to give back. Most really don't support this Nation but rather they leech off it. I think the far right voters have been led astray with all this crazy religious thinking and beliefs they don't even practice by virtue of being on this very site.

Lasly, you claim Libs will run the country into the ground well guess what people who deny climate change despite the overwhelming evidence presented by the GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC community are far more dangerous to the country and to the world at large than any lib mindset.