Mission Creep...

boardman's Avatar
Just like he promised we wouldn't, we're going back in. Except we're not going all in to put a stop to it we're creeping in 1000 at a time.

American lives will be lost due to this strategy. You fight a war to win, you have the will to bring the enemy to their knees and demand unconditional surrender or bring total decimation or you do not go in at all.

When a town is occupied by the enemy who is willing to hide behind women and children you give them a time frame(72 hours?) to get out then you level the town. Do that a couple of times and the people will start fighting back against occupation.

War is not for the weak and timid. We can't get that in our heads and haven't been able to since August 1945.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Can any of our libtards know how many troops have (or are being) been sent to Iraq? Remember, no boots on the ground.
LexusLover's Avatar
Mission Creap.
Quit bitching, it is what you guys wanted.
boardman's Avatar
Quit bitching, it is what you guys wanted. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Not me. All we are doing is sending more young men to die in the name of "rules of engagement".

We never learn. The Vietnam war started out as "advisors", it turned into the biggest cluster fuck we ever engaged in.

President Obama now owns this whole mess. I suppose in about three years we will be listening to the next President say, "I pledge to have all 300,000 of our troops out of Iraq in a year".
Not me. All we are doing is sending more young men to die in the name of "rules of engagement".

We never learn. The Vietnam war started out as "advisors", it turned into the biggest cluster fuck we ever engaged in.

President Obama now owns this whole mess. I suppose in about three years we will be listening to the next President say, "I pledge to have all 300,000 of our troops out of Iraq in a year". Originally Posted by Jackie S