Dan Sullivan wins.
Sullivan’s victory in Alaska does not correct the monumental injustice of Begich’s election in 2008. Let us recall that the Department of Justice had helped secure the defeat of Ted Stevens in 2008 by prosecuting Stevens for lying on Senate Ethics forms. Stevens’s conviction was tainted and ultimately set aside by Judge Emmet Sullivan as a result of prosecutorial misconduct by the Department of Justice — in April 2009, after Stevens’s defeat.

The corruption revealed by Stevens’s prosecution lay within the heart of the Department of Justice rather than in Stevens’s Ethics forms. “In nearly 25 years on the bench, I’ve never seen anything approaching the mishandling and misconduct that I’ve seen in this case,” Judge Sullivan said.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
TG Eric's leaving, but it will be same-o, same-o until Maobama is gone.
President Obama has made it clear that he could give a shit less. He will rule by Executive Order. And aside from impeachment, there isn't a damned thing the Congress can do.

The only thing that would have made a difference would be if the Republicans could have captured a 2/3 majority. That would mean they could impeach the President, and convict in the Senate.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There are a couple of things left to do, if they have the balls to do them. They could defund the government and bring back only certain departments. They can go for impeachment if they can get just six democrats in the Senate to go along. (the trick here is to have those democrats go to Obama and tell him that they are prepared to vote for a conviction unless he starts playing by the Constitution. after all, it was the GOP who told Nixon it was time to go) They can wait for the Supreme Court to step in. Some democrats like Joe Manchin can change parties which might scare Obama....(who are we kidding, Obama is too stupid to be scared).
Good points JD.

I believe Dems will go to Obama and tell them their seats are at risk. That granting millions of these people permanent work permits and not citizenship (if that's what he does) will not offset the losses of non-Progressive Democrats. Also with the increase in fines for not having Obamacare and other things coming due in 2016, the White House will be at risk.
You would be right if Obama gave a shit about the "at risk" democrats. But he doesn't.

Good points JD.

I believe Dems will go to Obama and tell them their seats are at risk. That granting millions of these people permanent work permits and not citizenship (if that's what he does) will not offset the losses of non-Progressive Democrats. Also with the increase in fines for not having Obamacare and other things coming due in 2016, the White House will be at risk. Originally Posted by gnadfly