Now it's down to a RINO and a RELIC in NOV

DNinja69's Avatar

Trump sometimes identifies more as a Democrat. His words. He was registered in the Democratic party for on 9/11 and for the rest of George W. Bush terms as President.

I really don't use the term RINO much as to me it really just means Republican who can think for themselves which Trump definitely is so on that level I find it a correct term.

The Republicans who buy into Trumps 'transformation' seem to have forgotten his stint as a TV show host he is above all a promotor of Donald Trump.

Biden is well past his prime which in my opinion never was good enough to warrant any time in the White house as VP or P

But those are our choices. For better or worse. It feels like the American people have paid more than enough to ensure a better process. Yet this is where we are at currently.

We have funded the biggest shitshow in American electoral history.
bambino's Avatar
Trumps a RINO? Why do all the RINOs hate him?

winn dixie's Avatar
A rino means a schill. Trumpf is not a republican. He's working for putin.
Trumpf is the definition of a rino.
And relic is Biden? Relics generally have value. He does not.
Yep murika is screwed
trump is most certainly a RINO. Of course he labels any Republican who disagrees with him a RINO, but that's just him projecting again.

If anybody in today's GOP is a "Republican in name only", it's trump. He literally espouses zero Republican values (family values, fiscal responsibility, law and order, border security, adherence to the Constitution - trump shows no regard for any of those things).
winn dixie's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Trump blasts RINOs everyday. EVERYDAY.
DNinja69's Avatar
Imagine if another candidate DeSantis or Haley had actually been a Democrat for a decade and only switched to the Repubican party a few years ago the thrashing they would get trying to run for President

But the rules change when a party needs votes.

Happened in 2016 Trump won as a converted Dem but now let a Republican candidate not lie up to be his lapdog and they are villified without mercy. Because they needs votes to beat Biden.

Fuck the party. All hail Trump. How a little desperation breeds allegiance.

As for Biden well he is most certainly still a Dem whether he is able to grasp that all day or not. But his 'support' continues.

We need better choices.

Our votes are being used without the need to answer to those funding the process.

So yes we must choose one or the other in November. But let's not try to pretend we are getting anywhere near our money's worth. Not even close.
Trump blasts RINOs everyday. EVERYDAY. Originally Posted by bambino
trump is a RINO. By definition.
Trump blasts RINOs everyday. EVERYDAY. Originally Posted by bambino
... A bleedin' Rockhampton Riot seeing the liberal lads
tryin' to tell us the definition of "RINO"...

... The FEAR is DELICIOUS! ...

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’m in complete agreement with the sentiment that Trump is too liberal on many subjects. Clearly he’s far better than the current corpse, but definitely not ideal.
bambino's Avatar
DNinja69's Avatar
Took a minute for Romney's name to come up and him being called a RINO by TRUMP is pretty funny.

Another quote from the former RINO-in-Cheif

Trump said MAGA “represents 96%, and maybe 100%” of Republicans

If I thought he actually believed his own bullshit I would question
him needing a cognitive exam.

But so long the people listening to him believe it pretty much the same thing right?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Took a minute for Romney's name to come up and him being called a RINO by TRUMP is pretty funny.

Another quote from the former RINO-in-Cheif

Trump said MAGA “represents 96%, and maybe 100%” of Republicans

If I thought he actually believed his own bullshit I would question
him needing a cognitive exam.

But so long the people listening to him believe it pretty much the same thing right? Originally Posted by DNinja69

Mittsy Romney is a RINO piece of shit and the only reason i voted for his sorry ass is the alternate was Barry Obama. that says it all.

let's watch Mittsy be a RINO ass kisser. who's ass did he kiss? Trump of course.

in 2012 .....

in 2016 ...

like Sinatra Trump keeps his papal ring in his back pocket so Mittsy had to kiss the ring and his ass.

Trump played Romney. Romney actually though Trump would make him SEC of State.

Did Mitt Romney get played by the king of reality TV?

Did Mitt Romney just get played by the king of reality TV? And why did the former Massachusetts governor subject himself to a very public vetting by a man he had so thoroughly denounced? Because he’s a patriot? Or a flip-flopper who can’t resist the lure of power?

The political class was wrestling again with these questions on Tuesday, after President-elect Donald Trump announced that he had passed over Romney for the job of secretary of state and would instead nominate Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of ExxonMobil.

The announcement marked the end of a bizarre courtship and another rejection for Romney, who lost two campaigns for president and seemed to have set aside irreconcilable differences in pursuit of a Cabinet position with a man he had denounced as a “fraud” and a “phony.”

DNinja69's Avatar
Mitt Romney has nothing to do with the 2024 campaign so I have nothing on him but I do have some things to say about Katie Britt who the Republican party does seem to think is relevant on some level.

If the plan is to try and get her on the ticket as VP the shitshow gets even more absurd.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
A rino means a schill. Trumpf is not a republican. He's working for putin.
Trumpf is the definition of a rino.
And relic is Biden? Relics generally have value. He does not.
Yep murika is screwed
0 Originally Posted by winn dixie
Thinking Putin wants Trump in office is as retarded as it gets. Strong leaders want their adversaries to have weak leaders, and Biden is as weak as they come. Putin made his choice perfectly clear in the Carlson interview, Biden is definitely his guy.