Girl friendly strip clubs

My b-day is coming up, and i do enjoy the strip clubs, wa-hooo!, nothing like enjoy a good beverage and watching the ladies play with the pole, with their hair swinging around. H.O.T.

The problem is where are the girl friendly strip club where a woman can walk in by herself, without a male companion and not get the "evil look".
The Lodge, or Pts, off of plano road. Hot woman, and friendly atmosphere.
I've been to the clubhouse a few times before with a group of friends and all the girls there were very welcoming and alot of them are very talented on the pole.
Cool, thanks for the responses

I need to get out my apt more, i never knew there were strip clubs in only like 5 minutes away. Great.
Mister Tudball's Avatar

I'll volunteer to go with you and protect you from the evil eye. Hey, what can I say? That's just the generous, thoughtful kinda guy I am.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Just about every club will let women in if they have a guy friend with them. If there is a pretty lady who would like an escort for the evening to the club of your choice just let me know. It's a dirty rotten job, but somebody's gotta do it.
Hawkeye9's Avatar
cabaret north had alot women with guys on a wed. night around 10pm last time I was there
Okay all those volunteering themselves to go with me, im going to hold you to, and thanks for the ideas....
I used to frequent Jaguars when it was new... It was okay but some of the reviews I've read recently say it's gotten bad.
xperiment's Avatar
Okay all those volunteering themselves to go with me, im going to hold you to, and thanks for the ideas.... Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
*raises hand*
Bushaholic's Avatar
I think the most girl-friendly club I've been to in Dallas is PT's Gold Club. I've seen on several occasions groups of girls go in there without any guys, to have their bachelorette party there. A couple of times I saw that, it seemed like those girls were really having a good time there. A couple of times when there were those group bachelorette parties there, mgmt even let a 1 or 2 of the girls on-stage to strip down to her undergarments and dance. Guys went nuts tipping her! Some dancers there, that I knew were into girls, would even sit down at the table with girls and spend lots of time talking and drinking with them. Fun club but they don't have any poles.

Also, I've seen The Clubhouse let girls in by themselves before, and they do have poles there, but the girls didn't seem to have as much fun as ones that visited PT's.