where do you draw the line? Share???

SexyCassandra's Avatar
Have you ever?

Provider or hobbiest. Where you draw the line?
Have you ever been in the position where you liked the provider/client more then you ever expected? Have you ever experienced someone who's presents was so amazingly weird in a good way. (unexplainable)
Have you ever liked a provider/client and it just caught you so off guard that you find yourself thinking of that person even when you know you shouldn't, yet cant help yourself even when you try?
Is there a line that should never be crossed?
Has anyone met a provider/client and had a happily ever after?
Is it best to leave some things alone, or is embracing the moment more important?

I don't want to wonder about my shoulda coulda woulda's in life.........

Htowner's Avatar
Creating your own fantasy is a dangerous thing. You can think about about someone before you go to sleep, hoping you dream about them, but what happens in that dream and how long it lasts , is out of your control.

We are not wired to have sex without emotions. Lie to yourself all you want. It isn't so.
I have not seen anything good come out of it so far for anyone really. Some fun initially perhaps and all hell breaks lose afterwards , and that is just for those who are not attached.

Don't ask what the hot dog is made of.
gearslut's Avatar
Don't ask what the hot dog is made of.
Words to live by or at least to hobby by.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
To bad Im not a hot dog. Life would be so simple.

Seriously though.
I formed a very deep connection with the first provider I saw. She told me that she loved me, but I was married at the time and was not ready to leave my marriage. I had to end things with her. She disappeared from providing, no ads, pulled her profile etc. I eventually left my marriage, but couldn't get back in touch. I took a long extended break from hobbying, but since I've clarified my view, I enjoy the deep connection I make with a small limited number of providers. I think about them when we aren't together sure, like I would think about any close friend. They are deeply important to me. I want to be special to them, but I in no way expect or even hope to be the only one. Remember providers and clients often have SO's, children, friends, and i feel lucky to get our little piece of time together and anything past that is a bonus. In a way I often like to cross the line, the danger is just about what your expectations are after you cross the line. Now I stay in the moment and don't have any expectations so I don't have problems.
Go for it. People most regret in life the opportunities they did not take. Enjoy it while it lasts and deal with it when it ends, but cherish the experience. Most every relationship comes to an end sooner or later regardless of its circumstances, so don't let that stop you from trying it out.
cabletex7's Avatar
Is there a line that should never be crossed?

Share?? Originally Posted by SexyCassandra
Yes and you're over it.
I have a connection with a provider. We are becoming friends. We communicate a little bit just about every day. We see each other socially as well as for business. She will never fall for me and I'll never fall for her. There is a distinct line between our friendship relationship and our business relationship. We just fit together really well, both in the sheets, and on the streets.
kerwil62's Avatar
Nope, never crossed those lines.

Sure I think of people that's been nice to me, but I also see the game for what it is so I leave it at that.
Dorian Gray's Avatar

I thought we've discussed this already. It wouldn't work between us. We each value our own separate *cough cough* freedoms to be tied down to each other. While I do appreciate all the things you offered to give up just for me I can't do the same. Please stop this. It's embarrassing & very unbecoming.

But you'll still be my number two... After myself.
SexyCassandra's Avatar

I thought we've discussed this already. It wouldn't work between us. We each value our own separate *cough cough* freedoms to be tied down to each other. While I do appreciate all the things you offered to give up just for me I can't do the same. Please stop this. It's embarrassing & very unbecoming.

But you'll still be my number two... After myself. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Lol. Stop turning me on you know i love it when you call me Cassi.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
In all seriousness i kinda want to be a good girl when im around him. Thats never happend to me with a client before. Have you ever met provider/ client that you just wished you met at a store or something?
What about the line where one female becomes soo obsessed with another. She asks said female to turn her out ad said female is not bisexual. Then tries calling and begging the female to befriend her again along with emails, but said female knows she is to good for that nonsense. Is there a fatal attaction line there? As far as BBW, well didn't stop her from having sexual relations with my good buddy DL? When does it become obsessive and actually enough for the obsessive one to get the point, you are rejected and I'm sure yntou feel pain (for what I don't know) but then again I have never bseen in love with a woman before lol. Do and cliees said person just give in and let you befriend her just to stop the fatal attraction? I say no! Dang, btw a post at 2 and another at 7 am. Put it down and get some sleep darling:-) With that being said, a relationship between hooker a hobbyist has slim chance, but I have actually tried it with someone here:-) a client (male) lol.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
So.......... You're telling me this thread ISN'T about me??? All this time I thought we shared something. It's all been a lie...

SexyCassandra's Avatar
So.......... You're telling me this thread ISN'T about me??? All this time I thought we shared something. It's all been a lie...

Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Everything isnt about you. Dont worry love. You will always be my # 3