legionnaires disease from dirty mask

Ripmany's Avatar
Whering a mask all day especially a old dirty mask on face will cause you to have bacteria all over you.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Legionnaires is a water born bacteria. So-- if you get your mask wet with contaminated water-- I suggest throwing it out. Other than that-- masks pose zero risk. It cannot be spread person to person. Its typically found in water fountains, some jetted tubs (think hot tubs at public pools/hotels)-- and older water pipes in older homes-- or contained water systems like some hotels or cruise ships.

Its easily treatable as well.
Levianon17's Avatar
Whering a mask all day especially a old dirty mask on face will cause you to have bacteria all over you. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Dirty Mask will give you Staph Infection. Most everyone who wears a mask daily for prolonged periods of time will begin to develop it. I am sure they will tack it on to the myriad of symptoms that are associated with Covid-19.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Gee-- all those doctors and nurses running around with rampant staph infections. Who knew?
Levianon17's Avatar
Gee-- all those doctors and nurses running around with rampant staph infections. Who knew? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I have a neighbor who is an Inhalation Therapist they toss their masks and get a new one every hour or so plus he doesn't wear mask unless he's dealing with a patient. He also washes his face a few times while he is at work. But a few patients have died from Staph possibly from prolonged wearing of masks. A lung Doctor told him about an extreme case of a middle aged man that was wearing a mask while he drove to work which was about a twenty or thirty minute commute then his job required him to wear a mask while at work which was an eight hour day. The only time he probably didn't wear a mask was when he had lunch. He was wearing a mask almost continuously for seven or eight hours five days a week. This guy actually tested positive for Covid19 but he actually died from a Staph Infection. There is way too much emphasis on wearing masks and some people are taking it way too far and jeopardizing their health and in some cases even their life.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Funny to me is the same people here that will Bare back anything demand masks
Levianon17's Avatar
Funny to me is the same people here that will Bare back anything demand masks Originally Posted by rexdutchman
People got the idea about wearing masks from the Media. It wasn't like their personal physician sent them a letter recommending they wear a mask. The media has the greatest impact and influence on our lives unfortunately it isn't always to our benefit.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Sheep will follow whomever, even if whom they follow is clueless, or deceptive.
Gee-- all those doctors and nurses running around with rampant staph infections. Who knew? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Staph infections are a big deal in hospitals.

They have a ready supply of masks...and good ones.

Just wait until kids start sharing them. I see people put them down in restraurants and pick them back up 20 minutes later.
I find it questionable when someone quotes something like "a lung doctor told him about an EXTREME case....", when it might affect the judgement of others. First of all hearsay, second of all anecdotal opinion not science, and finally an admitted EXTREME case, meaning highly unusual and not typical even if true. Once again, I ask....please show me scientific proof from a scientifically respected source with demonstrative proof of these claims as specifically related to recommended Covid masks for the general public so that I may better understand the epidemiology of this disease.
Levianon17's Avatar
I find it questionable when someone quotes something like "a lung doctor told him about an EXTREME case....", when it might affect the judgement of others. First of all hearsay, second of all anecdotal opinion not science, and finally an admitted EXTREME case, meaning highly unusual and not typical even if true. Once again, I ask....please show me scientific proof from a scientifically respected source with demonstrative proof of these claims as specifically related to recommended Covid masks for the general public so that I may better understand the epidemiology of this disease. Originally Posted by reddog1951
I don't work in a hospital setting and I haven't observed what these health professionals have. The use of masks may possibly have detrimental consequences for some people. This Pandemic has only been going on for only five months there isn't a whole lot of scientific fact pertaining to it. Maybe a lot of theory but not that much fact.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
poor rip. we barely got to understand .. er know him. now he's BANNED. again.

but he isn't wrong about masks that are overused and thus become contaminated. those generic blue masks i see a lot of people wearing aren't reusable because they can't easily be washed, unlike cloth masks can. i have one of the blue ones and i only wear it as needed which is about 10 minutes or so per day. regardless i recently got a set of cloth masks from my employer from the safety of the employees. it's about time to ditch that generic one for the cloth ones. those blue ones are meant to simply be discarded after being used. no they not "wear once then discard" but after a certain point rippy's statement is correct. they themselves become a source of germs, including the very virus they are trying to prevent the spread of, this chinko virus.

i often see people driving wearing a mask, and they are usually alone. so why wear it? who are they protecting? their car?? also prolonged wearing of these masks while driving can and has caused traffic accidents. the reason is obvious. the masks force you to re-breathe the carbon dioxide you exhale, which is known to make you dizzy, cause headaches and in extreme cases can asphyxiate you, meaning kill you.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
poor rip. we barely got to understand .. er know him. now he's BANNED. again.

but he isn't wrong about masks that are overused and thus become contaminated. those generic blue masks i see a lot of people wearing aren't reusable because they can't easily be washed, unlike cloth masks can. i have one of the blue ones and i only wear it as needed which is about 10 minutes or so per day. regardless i recently got a set of cloth masks from my employer from the safety of the employees. it's about time to ditch that generic one for the cloth ones. those blue ones are meant to simply be discarded after being used. no they not "wear once then discard" but after a certain point rippy's statement is correct. they themselves become a source of germs, including the very virus they are trying to prevent the spread of, this chinko virus.

i often see people driving wearing a mask, and they are usually alone. so why wear it? who are they protecting? their car?? also prolonged wearing of these masks while driving can and has caused traffic accidents. the reason is obvious. the masks force you to re-breathe the carbon dioxide you exhale, which is known to make you dizzy, cause headaches and in extreme cases can asphyxiate you, meaning kill you. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

theres lots of people with an unhealthy dose of lack of common sense.

they do whatever the authorities tell them what they should do.

in these instance, common sense get left behind in the gutter.

you won't see me driving with mask on. its not necessary.

same thing when you're outside and about in an area with few people around you (10 - 20 feet), I don't wear a mask.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
rip was annoying anyway
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
rip was annoying anyway Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
a troll's job is never done until he gets banned.

here is what got rippy the ban hammer

Staff Edit - Biomed1 Originally Posted by Ripmany

#7 - Threats of violence or physical harm will not be tolerated under any circumstances. There is no place for that on this board.

that's the funny thing about trolls. they knowingly post some bullshit that's clearly against the rules, giggle their little troll heads off thinking they've somehow gamed the staff by posting it only to have their bullshit post completely removed. who cares if 5 or 10 people saw it before it was edited? now it's gone forever and rippy is banned.