A do over on Iran?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Back a few years ago (if you're a leftie ask a friend, it was on TV) the youth of Iran tried to rise up and throw off their religious government. Obama failed to act (again) and in fact tried to tell the youth to tone it down. Probably working on that wonderful Iran deal even then. Now comes a second chance and Trump is watching, the world is watching and Trump has put Tehran on notice that they are being watched. Of course, the left will say that any change is because of the mere presence of Barack Obama on the planet but real people know the truth. So now I'm putting the left on notice here since they would never mention whats happening outside the fevered state of their delusions.

Lets hope that next year we can celebrate the end of the Islamic Republic of Iran after only 39 years.
bambino's Avatar
They are a bigger threat than NK. Trump will end Obama’s fradulant agreement.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the question is who's funding this protest..

I really don't think Iran is a threat like Noko is.
bambino's Avatar
the question is who's funding this protest..

I really don't think Iran is a threat like Noko is. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
NK is an isolated country with no resources and no economy. Iran has influence in the Middle East. #1 state supporter of terrorism. They’ve killed more Americans than NK. Their people aren’t starving. They are a bigger threat.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
NK is an isolated country with no resources. Iran has influence in the Middle East. Number1 supporter of terrorism. They’ve killed more Americans than NK. Their people aren’t starving. They are a bigger threat. Originally Posted by bambino
could have fooled me on NOKO, they have missiles and they also have nukes. that makes them a viable threat.

actually Saudi Arabia is on terroism.

Iran is primarily a regional power with interest in influencing the Mid-east region. the only support of terror groups is with Hezbolla which has shia ties. Odd bird in this is Hamas which is Sunni which they also support I guess out of necessity (If they're against Israel, they'll support 'em).

they had only 1 bombing incident outside the mid-east which was the jewish temple bombing in Chile which is now under investigation of a coverup quid pro quo in exchange for oil.

but other than that, they're not a threat unless you're a neo-con!

the protest has Neo-con psyop written all over it.

one only has to look at Vietnam to see how long it took to let bygones be bygones over the Vietnam war.
bambino's Avatar
could have fooled me on NOKO, they have missiles and they also have nukes. that makes them a viable threat.

actually Saudi Arabia is on terroism.

Iran is primarily a regional power with interest in influencing the Mid-east region. the only support of terror groups is with Hezbolla which has shia ties. Odd bird in this is Hamas which is Sunni which they also support I guess out of necessity (If they're against Israel, they'll support 'em).

they had only 1 bombing incident outside the mid-east which was the jewish temple bombing in Chile which is now under investigation of a coverup quid pro quo in exchange for oil.

but other than that, they're not a threat unless you're a neo-con!

the protest has Neo-con psyop written all over it.

one only has to look at Vietnam to see how long it took to let bygones be bygones over the Vietnam war. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
NK has missles they can’t direct. They have nukes but can’t use them. Their military is starving.They shoot missles straight up. Like kids with bottle rockets. But that’s their only threat. They killed one kid. Iran has killed thousands of Americans. They now control some oil. Trumps eye is really on Iran. Trump could shut down trade with China and NK would die. It might happen.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Iran and NK are both threats but different kinds of threats. NK is pretty straight up. We have weapons and we will threaten to destroy the US until someone takes NK to the woodshed. Iran is more insidious. They have the outside resources to influence Yemen, Libya, Syria to fight proxy wars for them. They are developing (or buying, thanks Obama) the technology to make themselves a serious international threat. They also don't care as much about self destruction as NK. As long as the little rocket man can live like ancient potentate he is happy. Iran has that little religious outlook about the 13th imam and mass martyrdom. This is about the uprising going on. If one happens in NK, they anyone would be a fool for opposing it from the outside but Obama is no longer in office.
LexusLover's Avatar
NK and Iran are "partners" in their respective development and attitude.

Both need to be "cut" ... dehorned" and ... "branded" for what they are.

Both export their "terror" and both are attempting to assert dominance.

Oh, as for the "bottle rocket" analogy ... that's a dangerous assessment.
bamscram's Avatar
Is this Trumps Arab spring?
bambino's Avatar
NK and Iran are "partners" in their respective development and attitude.

Both need to be "cut" ... dehorned" and ... "branded" for what they are.

Both export their "terror" and both are attempting to assert dominance.

Oh, as for the "bottle rocket" analogy ... that's a dangerous assessment. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The “ bottle rocket” analogy is accurate as of today. I didn’t say at some point they wont get more sophisticated. But today, they shoot them straight up and they land wherever they land. They don’t have control of them. But I’m quite confident that Mattis has the right assessment of their capabilities.
LexusLover's Avatar
But I’m quite confident that Mattis has the right assessment of their capabilities. Originally Posted by bambino
Me too, ...

... but the real question is whether he's publicly sharing it or not.

On that level, I'd say he's not. And also he shouldn't!

As a practical issue it doesn't really matter if they hit Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, or the desert in Arizona. In the 60's the Soviets lacked the capability to pinpoint their nuclear strikes, but the Houston to San Antonio corridor was "ground zero" and if they got within that corridor or hit one or the other within shock wave distance it was an acceptable hit from their point of view.

Although we don't have any actual experience there are real examples from which we draw data and understanding of the consequences of a hit in the Northwestern United States, particularly during the winter months when Westerlies and Northers blow down from Western Canada. We have one now.

The power plant explosion in the Soviet Union, the clean up of which we participated; the recent Japanese plant explosion, testing with modeling, and the economic impact of 911 to this country. Look what a "simple" hurricane can do to Texas, Louisiana, Florida, and Puerto Rico from an environmental and economic point of view.

The good thing about those who claim it's no big deal, it's not going to happen, and/or it's off in the future if ever IS, after the fact there won't be any electronic communications open for us to chastise them for being stupid....if they are even alive.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The “ bottle rocket” analogy is accurate as of today. I didn’t say at some point they wont get more sophisticated. But today, they shoot them straight up and they land wherever they land. They don’t have control of them. But I’m quite confident that Mattis has the right assessment of their capabilities. Originally Posted by bambino
are you are aware that the noko launched a I think 2 satellites in orbit? if they can do that, they can get their missile to go where they want it to go, maybe not with pinpoint accuracy, but it would be enough.
bambino's Avatar
are you are aware that the noko launched a I think 2 satellites in orbit? if they can do that, they can get their missile to go where they want it to go, maybe not with pinpoint accuracy, but it would be enough. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
They haven’t launched any guided missles yet. They’re certainly headed that way. Who knows how close they are. For now, they’re shooting bottle rockets.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-31-2017, 03:49 PM
The Chicken Little , Chicken Hawks are out in force today!

...maybe LexyLiar will want to give up his SS and Medicare benefits to help pay for any future war and Defense spending!

that really is the question we should be asking the American public.

bambino's Avatar
The Chicken Little , Chicken Hawks are out in force today!

...maybe LexyLiar will want to give up his SS and Medicare benefits to help pay for any future war and Defense spending!

that really is the question we should be asking the American public.

. Originally Posted by WTF
No, it’s just a question a VI(village idiot) would ask.