Psaki reacts to pushback over claim no Americans 'stranded' in Afghanistan, despite mom's plea

  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2021, 06:38 PM
Fox News Digital first reported the ordeal of the American mom on Saturday, with her saying that she had 'given up hope'

Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy questioned White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki about an American mom said to be stuck in Afghanistan one day after Psaki said it was "irresponsible" to claim that Americans were stranded in the country.
"You said yesterday it is irresponsible to say that Americans are stranded in Afghanistan right now. What do you say to the American citizen in Kabul right now that Fox spoke to this morning… she says ‘we are stranded at home. For four days, three days, we didn’t hear anything from anywhere. And they're saying to go to the airport but we're not being given clear guidance. Our emails are getting ignored,'" Doocy said.
Fox News Digital first reported the ordeal of the American mom on Saturday, with her saying that she had "given up hope" of getting to the airport in Kabul.
"I really have given up hope, given up on the hope of going to the airport," the woman, whose identity is being withheld due to concerns for her safety, told Fox News. "It’s just not possible to make it through all those people."
The American mother later appeared on "Fox & Friends" Tuesday, making clear that she was in fact stranded in Kabul.
"Our lives are in extreme danger and I don’t know how long it’s going to continue. They are going to people’s homes at night and they are just taking them away," she said during the interview.
"And yes, we are stranded," she later added.
Psaki responded by saying that the president is "committed to bringing Americans home who want to leave," but noted that the U.S. does not track where its citizens go and depends on them to voluntarily register wherever they are.
"If we are not in touch with this individual, give me their contact information and we will get in touch with them," Psaki said.
Doocy then continued to point out that the woman was "stranded" in Afghanistan, pushing Psaki to provide another word for the situation facing the woman.
"But you say no Americans are stranded, this is someone in Kabul who says ‘I am stranded,’" Doocy responded. "Is there a better word for somebody who can't leave the house to get to the airport because Jake Sullivan says ISIS is outside the airport?"
But Psaki didn't back down from her previous response, again insisting that Doocy hand over the woman's contact information.
"I would welcome you providing their phone number and we will reach out today," Psaki said.

In other words - we Lie, we continue to Lie, and We don't care about Americans trapped by the taliban and facing execution in Afghanistan
give us teh phone number

We'll get back to You on that.

They Lie - all DPSTs Lie - and Psucki is a poster child for Lies of teh fiden criminal cabal.
rexdutchman's Avatar
There really like a cult
HedonistForever's Avatar
They will never get all Americans out before the 31st and President Joe Biden says he will "respect" the deadline HE committed to but that "contingency plans" will be made to get the remaining Americans out not the Afghan's because the Taliban has already decided that no more Afghan nationals will be allowed to leave.

So, try to imagine what this "contingency plan" will look like. We will have no soldiers left in Afghanistan, they have already started preparing to leave and some have left already in the reports that I'm hearing. We will not control any airstrip in the country and the Taliban says they will take control of "their airfield" on the 31st and will end the occupation of their country. Does that sound like the Taliban are going to make a deal that with no US military on the ground at the airport, we are going to fly in military or civilians airlines assuming the Taliban will let us which is not a given and any American that can run the gantlet of Taliban and Al Qaeda to get to the airport knowing that there are no more American soldiers on the ground to protect them and they will just all line up for an orderly evacuation. Yeah, right.

Our allies are furious that Biden won't "fight" for an extension. Some lawmakers like Ben Sasse says we should tell the Taliban we are staying for as long as it takes and if the Taliban want a fight, we'll give it to them. Really? We will go back to war with the Taliban with no American soldiers on the ground? Oh, we'll fly in more? And land them where exactly and base them where exactly? Will we try to re-occupy the Embassy surrounded by the enemy with more weapons than they ever imagined possible? We are going to "bomb from the air" Taliban dispersed among the civilian population. How will we do that exactly?
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2021, 09:51 AM
Thank U - HF - the bankrupt policies of teh marxit fiden criminal cabal are insane
As is the entire DPST criminal party!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Wow that recording is tough to hear. Send in the Rangers or MARSOC to get these people and anyone in the way can meet their 72 virgins. What the actual FUCK is wrong with this administration?
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2021, 10:07 AM
The fiden administration is a criminal , marxist crime cabal in thrall to china and comrade Xi.

That - is what is wrong - in a sentence.
They leave an airfield, I'm sure we can poke a few craters into it from the air. It might be part of the agreement though to not destroy any US military infrastructure. Not sure what they are gonna do with an airfield anyway, camels can't fly last time I checked.
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2021, 12:06 PM
'r' - you are so deluded in your obstinate denial of facts adn truth -as to be far beyond any sense of Reality.

American citizens are trapped - and Psucki and You are enabling the hostage taking adn murders of American citizens.

you would sing a different tune if your family was trapped in afghanistan
such craven compliance with the fiden crime cabal and the Lies of the LSM and adminstration.

it is what DPST marxist minions are. Indoctrinated lemmings.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Same old same old ,, if its against this is admin fake, T fault denial of facts the conditioning is complete in some peeps
Jen Jen is lying right along with Taliban Joeys and Nahamila