cant shake ...this image

Plastic Man's Avatar
yer ...plastic man lyin naked ons ones ...a thems life ...rafts ins the middle a the ocean

...the sun be beatin ...down ons ...plastic mans skin

...ans the gentle waves be makin ...plastic mans ...benis flops backs an ...forths

...backs an ...forths

...backs ...forths
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So you're contaminating the ocean with plastic?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmmm your SOS flag needs to be higher. Give Rosie a kiss and let her fix that SOS flag Pole Sir
offshoredrilling's Avatar
So you're contaminating the ocean with plastic? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
funny but, I like my post better Sr. just sayin
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
If PM could get it to spin, he could drop it in the water as a propeller and rescue himself.
Plastic Man's Avatar
backs an forths

...backs ...forths
Bet those people on the cruise ship cant either
Plastic Man's Avatar
Bet those people on the cruise ship cant either Originally Posted by JONBALLS
theys threw ...plastic man ...a tow line

...backs ...forths

...backs an ...forths
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Now I'm thinking of Weekend at Bernie's with the boat towing Bernie.
valkyra's Avatar
backs an forths

...backs ...forths Originally Posted by Plastic Man
back and fourth...

back... and fourth...

back... and fourth... mmm, that's it... just like that
offshoredrilling's Avatar

is that you Captain Plastic Man with JJ ????