The stories are innumerable; but here is one of the more recent out of Iowa.........................

by John Hinderaker in Obama Administration Scandals, The sick left

Not Just A Democrat Dirty Trick, But A Crime

A few years ago, as part of its strategy of facilitating voter fraud as a means of winning close elections, the Democratic Party undertook a campaign to secure as many Secretary of State offices in swing states as possible. From those perches, the Democrats would be in a position to oversee elections and enforce (or decline to enforce) election laws. That strategy has been quite successful, but the Democrats suffered a setback in Iowa in 2010 when conservative Republican Matt Schultz won an upset victory in the Secretary of State race. Since then, Iowa Democrats have targeted Schultz.
That targeting has taken a sinister turn–a criminal one, in fact–as the Des Moines Register reports:
A Des Moines man has been arrested after police say he used, or tried to use, the identity of Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz in a scheme to falsely implicate Schultz in perceived unethical behavior in office.
Zachary Edwards was arrested Friday and charged with identity theft.
The Iowa Department of Public Safety issued a news release saying Schultz’s office discovered the scheme on June 24, 2011 and notified authorities.
Iowa blogger Shane Vander Hart has more, including this mug shot of Zachary Edwards, a Democratic operative:

Edwards is a former Obama staffer who directed “new media operations” for Obama in five states during the 2008 primaries. Thereafter, he was Obama’s Director of New Media for the State of Iowa. In the Democratic Party’s lexicon, “new media” apparently includes identity theft.

Edwards now works for LINK Strategies, a Democratic consulting firm with extraordinarily close ties to Iowa Democrat Tom Harkin. Its principal, Jeff Link, has served as Harkin’s campaign manager and chief of staff. Link, too, is a former Obama staffer. The LINK Strategies web site says that Jeff Link “served as a media consultant to the Obama for President Campaign, coordinating branding, all paid media and polling in 25 states, including seven battleground states (VA, NC, FL, CO, NM, NV, MT)….”
That Edwards allegedly tried to steal the Secretary of State’s identity in order to frame Schultz for “unethical behavior in office” is no coincidence. Iowa Democrats, as Kevin Hall of the Iowa Republican points out, have mounted a campaign of false accusations against Schultz:
Since his surprise victory over incumbent Michael Mauro in November 2010, Secretary of State Schultz has been a target of the Iowa Democratic Party. Interestingly, on June 24, the same day as Zach Edwards alleged crime, Under the Golden Dome, a blog connected to Iowa Democrats, launched a three-part series of articles critical of Matt Schultz. They were based on documents obtained through an open records request from “a tipster.” The blog alleged that a batch of emails from Schultz’s office “raise some serious questions about his ability to remain independent and ensure election integrity”.
Just 15 days earlier, on June 9, the Iowa Democratic Party filed an ethics complaint against Schultz, claiming the Secretary of State of used public resources to campaign against presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman. The Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board dismissed the complaint on July 19.
So on its face, Edwards’s identity theft appears to be part of a coordinated effort by the Iowa Democratic Party to bring down the Republican Secretary of State so he can be replaced with a Democrat. We hope that Edwards will get the long jail term that he deserves, but the more important question is, from whom was he taking instructions? Circumstantially, one would guess from his boss, Jeff Link. But if so, who was instructing (and paying?) Link’s firm? The White House? Tom Harkin? Iowa’s Democratic Party?
Much like Watergate, which began with a seemingly simple (if puzzling) burglary and ultimately unraveled the Nixon administration, it is impossible to say how far the trail of criminality will go if the Edwards case is pursued aggressively. Will that happen? I don’t know; stay tuned.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In Kansas there was an Attorney General named Phil Kline who investigated Planned Parenthood and abortion provider George Tiller for breaking the law regarding the statutory rape of young girls. The Kansas City Star attacked Kline as corrupt and out of control. Kline lost the election. The winner, it was reported AFTER the election, accepted money from Planned Parenthood and Tiller. Kline presented his evidence to a judge who determined that crimes had been committed by both Planned Parenthood and Tiller. Kline was forced to turn the files over to the new Attorney General who had them shredded. The investigation was halted, no charges were filed, Kline was hanged in the press, accused of adultery, and indicted. The indictment failed and no adultery was proven. Kline now teaches in Virginia. The new Attorney General had to resign in disgrace because of a sexual harassment charge and an affair. The Governor became the Secretary of Health and George Tiller was murdered.

George Soros has long been involved in an operation to get rid of all the GOP Attorney Generals in the US.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But Soros is a good guy, only the Koch's are bad guys.
waverunner234's Avatar
But Soros is a good guy, only the Koch's are bad guys. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Finally you got it. But Romney and Gingrich are also bad guys.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, Soros is good, Koch's, Romney, Gingrich - bad.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
In Kansas there was an Attorney General named Phil Kline who investigated Planned Parenthood and abortion provider George Tiller for breaking the law regarding the statutory rape of young girls. The Kansas City Star attacked Kline as corrupt and out of control. Kline lost the election. The winner, it was reported AFTER the election, accepted money from Planned Parenthood and Tiller. Kline presented his evidence to a judge who determined that crimes had been committed by both Planned Parenthood and Tiller. Kline was forced to turn the files over to the new Attorney General who had them shredded. The investigation was halted, no charges were filed, Kline was hanged in the press, accused of adultery, and indicted. The indictment failed and no adultery was proven. Kline now teaches in Virginia. The new Attorney General had to resign in disgrace because of a sexual harassment charge and an affair. The Governor became the Secretary of Health and George Tiller was murdered.

George Soros has long been involved in an operation to get rid of all the GOP Attorney Generals in the US. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I guess Kline didn't think to make copies of the files eh?

How was Tiller murdered, was killer caught?

how come you didn't mention the name of the winning/disgraced AG?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You could look it up you know.

The files Kline was forced to turn over were the originals. It took a supoena to get them.

Tiller's killer was caught, tried, and convicted. The point is that one person felt so extreme that Tiller was above the law that he took the law into his hands.

The former AG was Paul Morrison and the former Gov was Kathleen Sebilius.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You could look it up you know. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
my google fu is lazy.

The files Kline was forced to turn over were the originals. It took a subpoena to get them.
I know. what I was saying or rather meant; he could have made the copies of the originals and turned in the originals as per subpoena.

Tiller's killer was caught, tried, and convicted. The point is that one person felt so extreme that Tiller was above the law that he took the law into his hands.

The former AG was Paul Morrison and the former Gov was Kathleen Sebilius.
things have a way of backfiring when one tries to do a cover up or escape justice in blatant manner.

its unfortunate that Tiller died like that.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What was really disgusting is that the local paper, the Kansas City Star and one TV news outlet, concocted an affair on the part of Kline. He rented and apartment in the area after his family moved to Virginia. His next door neighbor was an attractive woman. The TV news crew put a camera in her face one day while she was leaving her apartment and wanted to know her relationship with Kline. She denied having any relationship with anyone living in the complex. So the TV news crew reported that she had denied the "affair". The KC Star followed up a story about the mystery woman and what did Kline have to hide. The TV crew started bragging about breaking the story about Kline's mistress and the Star ran a number of editorials condeming the cheating former AG. It took a threatened law suit for both to withdraw their stories and say that maybe they went a little too far and were maybe premature.
[quote=JD Barleycorn;2068347]In Kansas there was an Attorney General named Phil Kline who investigated Planned Parenthood and abortion provider George Tiller for breaking the law regarding the statutory rape of young girls. The Kansas City Star attacked Kline as corrupt and out of control. Kline lost the election. The winner, it was reported AFTER the election, accepted money from Planned Parenthood and Tiller. Kline presented his evidence to a judge who determined that crimes had been committed by both Planned Parenthood and Tiller. Kline was forced to turn the files over to the new Attorney General who had them shredded. The investigation was halted, no charges were filed, Kline was hanged in the press, accused of adultery, and indicted. The indictment failed and no adultery was proven. Kline now teaches in Virginia. The new Attorney General had to resign in disgrace because of a sexual harassment charge and an affair. The Governor became the Secretary of Health and George Tiller was murdered.

Oh yes Phil Kline,wasn't he the idiot wanting to put agents on aircraft,and arrest anyone serving alcohol when they were flying over Kansas.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Clinton, Obama Indiana primary petitions tainted by forged signatures.

SOUTH BEND -- The signatures of dozens, if not hundreds, of northern Indiana residents were faked on petitions used to place presidential candidates on the state primary ballot in 2008, The Tribune and Howey Politics Indiana have revealed in an investigation. . . .

Erich Speckin, a forensic document analyst, examined the petitions at the request of The Tribune and Howey Politics. He said there is clear evidence, based on the consistency of the handwriting, that about 10 pages in the Obama petition were filled in by the same person, and another person apparently filled in nine pages. He said it's possible another two people filled in several more pages. Each page in the petition contains up to 10 signatures.

"It's obvious. It's just terribly obvious," Speckin said, pointing to one of the writer's idiosyncrasies repeated throughout the petition's pages. . . .
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Where the hell did you come up with that bit of stupidity Ekim? Maybe you should work on your imagination.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He's referring to Vern Miller.