Wedding/Engagement Rings

shorty's Avatar
I've been noticing that some of the ladies in there ads or showcase are starting to wear engagement or wedding rings. How does one feel about wearing such rings either in there ads or showcase? How do you feel about them wearing such rings to a session?
I'm not in a relationship. Therefore, I see no need for ME to wear a wedding/engagement ring in any photos that I take (unless it was some type of fantasy shoot ). But, more power to anyone who wants to do so, ESPECIALLY those who are in relationships and choose to express it upfront and honestly . I don't mind wearing one to a session upon request, though. I wear an old ring every time I see a particular client. We spend quite a bit of time out socially, and he likes for me to wear it while we're out. He expressed that he "would rather encounter disapproving jealous stares than have the shameful, assuming, distasteful glares our way."

P.S. ALWAYS wear one checking in and out. It tends to prevent employed minds from wandering.
KenMonk's Avatar
Not sure if it was possible for me to care any less.

If its a really nice ring I may comment on it during a session, otherwise it has nothing to do with me. I would think though that the ladies should take off rings during a session to keep from losing a diamond or it scratching someone.
Bigh1955's Avatar
I've been noticing that some of the ladies in there ads or showcase are starting to wear engagement or wedding rings. How does one feel about wearing such rings either in there ads or showcase? How do you feel about them wearing such rings to a session? Originally Posted by shorty
I have a SO and don't hide it. I wear my ring to a session, why shouldn't she? I want the provider I'm visiting to know about my SO to prevent screw ups - like calling me at dinner time on my RL cell. LOL. It happened!

I know several providers who are in serious relationships (married and otherwise). I like it when they wear their "relationship" ring. It never bothered me when it was free, why should it bother me when its p4p? Some of the SOs know, some don't. I don't care, personally, but I don't get a guy who knows and lets/encourages his wife hook. Seems there's a lack of respect in there somewhere. (IMHO) Anyway...that's their business. I don't care. I enjoy theses ladies company regardless.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Eeeeek wedding ring?? Bad I'd rather poke my eyeballs out with a fork than wear one . (again)
I wear an emerald/diamond ring on my left finger, but its not an engagement ring. I bought it and it fits perfect on my ring finger, so I bought it as is and no need to resize it.
awl4knot's Avatar
A provider's personal life is not my business or concern. I just saw one of the hottest, most carnal ladies on the East Coast and she was wearing her wedding band and engagement ring. I complimented her on them and we went back to hot oral sex. In my mind, her six inch stilettos were a far bigger danger and she kept them on.
When I was engaged (don't ask what I was thinking!), I wore my ring, most guys wear their wedding bands anyways. Why should a guy get weirded out about providers who are married or in relationships anyways? We have private lives/relationships just as clients have, and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.

P.S. ALWAYS wear one checking in and out. It tends to prevent employed minds from wandering.
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01

This is a great idea. I believe I'll use it. What else are my old wedding rings good for lol?
I wear one when check in as well ! Plus when I am out and about running errands .. I am 100% single... plan to remain that i wear my old engagement ring to keep the men who are looking for baby mama's... away!
pyramider's Avatar
Wow, simple jewelry prevents

from hitting on the ladies ...
shorty's Avatar
Personally, I could care less if they wear there rings to a session. I know several ladies that choose not to wear there rings because of the illusion of them being single.
That's what this hobby is all about...doing what's WRONG. Wear the ring, better be real, be true to it and I will FUCK the hell out of you...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Eeeeek wedding ring?? Bad I'd rather poke my eyeballs out with a fork than wear one . (again) Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Roothead's Avatar
I wear my ring all the time.... And have no issue if a lady was to wear one also