I know how you gentlemen feel when you get ripped off

I just moved into apartment.

I was browsing the antique section on craigslist yesterday and came accross a beautiful dark wood china; it was very low priced $120 and the ad said that they didnt want to let it go,times were hard blah blah. I went to see it today in apartment over near Ingram and it was so nice.

I returned with a truck and helpers to move it and when we came to my apartment, I decided to clean it while it was still in the truck before bringing it inside and i'm happy I did just that!!! I disovered that it was infested with little black roaches. I went a bought roach spray , but this thing was so infested they were everywhere.

What a shame, the beautiful china went straight to the dumpster. I threw $120 away! Boo Hoo lesson learned
DallasRain's Avatar
sorry that happened babe!
It is a bitch when we spend our hard earned money & it turns to crap!!
Sorry that happen to you baby
whitechocolate's Avatar
After reading some of the comments and reviews, carrying a "spray" to a session may not be a bad idea. Hope none of those bugs got loose in your apartment.
What a shame, the beautiful china went straight to the dumpster. I threw $120 away! Boo Hoo lesson learned Originally Posted by Miss Molly
Sorry that happened to you. But your loss was about 1/3 of what gents suffer when they get ripped off. Nevertheless, a rip-off is a rip-off. And no one should have to suffer one.
hahaha whitechocolate but like i said im happy I cleaned it when it was still outside in the truck
Funny thing about CL and purchasing items. I got a car seat and a desk on two different occasions and both times, got the items home, unloaded and ROACHES!

I browse CL for items sometimes but I don't think I'll ever buy anything else there again. I have had better luck finding items people have set out for "Big Trash Day"! LOL!
I just got the heeby-jeebys. My number one gross out is roaches, they just freak me out. You were smart to clean it before you got it in your apartment, just think if those critters had started scattering in your apartment you'd never get rid of them. Yuk. Sorry it happened to you!!