OMG?? My Yahoo Email Account

Im not sure what has happened, but I tried to log in, it tells me not found. Then gives me option to get account. Then it tells me to contact customer service, and not by email??

SO my question is.. why?? Why wont they give me my password? Should I be scared??

Things like that happen frequently in the IT world. More than likely someone along the way just screwed up and "tweaked" your account such that you are getting the message you are. Go ahead and contact support and let them know what happened and what messages you are getting.

Someone might have tried to hack your account but talk to support as they would be the ones best equipped to help you with this.
(This is the only thing on the page.) How do I contact them??

Sorry, your password can't be reset online

For security reasons, we require you to contact Customer Care

To reset your Yahoo! password, you will need to contact Yahoo! Customer Care.

Copyright © 2009 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Copyright/IP Policy - Terms of Service - Help NOTICE: We collect personal information on this site. To learn more about how we use your information, see our Privacy Policy
Ok, try this. Type in the following in your web browser: then press enter.

Next look down toward the bottom where it reads Keep me signed in and go to the next block where the Sign In button is located. Look slightly down and to the left you will see a hyper link with the phrase: I can't access my account. Click on that and on the next screen select which one you think is the correct reply.

My question to you is are you sure you typed the yahoo id in correctly? If so then it may be you typed your password in improperly. Either way, follow that second page and see what happens. I am sure that Yahoo support will help.
I did all that. And that is were Im getting the message that I put in my 2nd post. I finally have found the number, so I guess I will call them?? I only put the post up to see if anyone else has had this trouble, but I guess not??

It has nothing to do with me, I have been logging into this email since Dec. 05.. I think I know what Im doing and know it is not me. I think either yahoo erased my stuff, or its locked because someone is trying over and over to log in to my email??
If it was locked due to repeated failed login attempts you would get a different message.

Good luck.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
It happened to me a couple of years ago. I can't remember what their problem was. But I called and they got it fixed. I made sure I was calling yahoo and not some hacker. After they got it fixed, all my email was there. I changed my password and security questions just for good measure. Good luck.
gman44's Avatar
this type of this happened to me about 2 years ago and I couldn't even log into ym so I started this geniusman account

unfortunately this happens in the internet world that we can't do much about
this type of this happened to me about 2 years ago and I couldn't even log into ym so I started this geniusman account

unfortunately this happens in the internet world that we can't do much about Originally Posted by geniusman
Its happen to me to.
The person who did it changed everything in the account and used it for spam.
PODarkness's Avatar
If it says "not found", then the account has probably been deleted. It happened to a friend of mine when her stalker ex complained to Yahoo that she was doing something against their terms of agreement. Even though the user name came up "not found", she could not create a new account with the same name, because the bot said it was in use. She proved the accusations false, and they gave her back the account, but it was empty. None of the saved e-mails - photos - contacts, survived.

I hope I'm wrong...

Guest101610-2's Avatar
Same here. Same Ex stalker BS. It's easy for them to get any account canceled and it's just as easy to get it reinstated. Here's the number to call and take care of it.
