
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 10-06-2010, 11:33 AM
A friend and I are looking for someone special.

We're looking a photographer to record some xxx still images when we make love, but it has to be someone with some erotic sensibility. We want your presence to enhance the moment, not just document it. Does that make sense?

And obviously we'd want someone with an eye for lighting (all natural, I'm thinking) and composition.

With the right trio it could be very hot, seems to me.

Couple of details: (1) The images are mine and the memory card stays with me -- not gonna have my mug on the www. If there are some images you'd like (and they pass the identity test) we can talk about it. And I'm easy).

(2) I would prefer a woman. A female observer plays into fantasies of mine (we're being honest here, right?) and offers at least the illusion of a possible spontaneous menage a trois. It reduces the pool of candidates, I know, and since it doesn't matter to my partner I'd consider a gentleman if I can't find the right lady.

(3) You won't get to run the show. It's not your "porn shoot" and you're not in charge. I'd want your thoughts on lighting and angles before we start. But most of the time I don't even want to be thinking about you. (The lady and I both get rather involved in what we're doing and can probably "block you out" when things get going.) You would, however, get to focus your lens just about anywhere you wanted.

(4) Oh, and you also don't get paid. This is my fantasy and you have to fit into it, but it's gonna be pretty sexy. I guess it also has to be enough of your fantasy, too, to make it worthwhile simply for the pleasant experience.

(5) Obviously, both you and I would want to meet casually and interview the other beforehand. Chemistry counts as much as photographic experience.

This is "discussable" here by anyone, but apply by PM, please.

dogsmack's Avatar
Good luck on your en devour. Will you post a review for the rest of us?
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 10-06-2010, 11:58 AM
Good luck on your en devour. Will you post a review for the rest of us? Originally Posted by dogsmack
Well yeah, now that you mention it.

Probably just come back here and tell how it went. Might include a pic or two.
I would be more than happy to record such an event, but you have to make an exception and let a man takes the pics.
TrulySummer's Avatar
Hell, I might agree to it. But I want an ASS shot of you JFred to put as my avatar.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 10-06-2010, 07:38 PM
Bob, thanks for your kind offer. As you know, neither you nor I have been in the room while the other was engaged in sexual activity, so I can only speculate how it might be. Knowing you in other social spheres makes me worry that you would be (1) making wisecracks and/or (2) trying to cop a feel of the lady's smooth round backside.

Summer, sweetie, you might be disappointed. I've lost some weight and my ASS isn't quite as plump and rosy as you remember it. Otherwise I think you'd probably be very good in the role. But...I'm sorta wanting to avoid having our photog being a lady with whom I have enjoyed carnal pleasures (in your case always with a condom I hasten to add!).

At this point I want to represent the 3rd party as someone I procured thru a personal ad. You know quite a bit more than the lady does about certain aspects of my history, and although I might find occasions to tell her more I wouldn't want it to be because our familiarity with one another (yours and mine) showed through. So really, the more a stranger the better. It's the same reason I didn't just ask you or one of several ladies I know.

Just for disclosure: I haven't exactly been swept away by responses -- just these 2 friends. I figured that there might be more folks who would like the idea of watching two lovers fuck and taking pictures of it. I'll take anyone's thoughts on why the lack of interest. Seemed like a pretty good offer to me.
CoHorn's Avatar
jfred, my only concern is for your fragile ego. If I was there, she most certainly would forget that you are in the room.

Good luck with your endeavor and enjoy yourself.
Jfred you know me too well and yes I would most definately cop a feel of the ladies ass. But hey I gave it a shot.
Iaintliein's Avatar
As you know from my other posts, I'm an avid shutterbug. And I completely understand your instinct for self preservation by keeping the memory card. But the nature of digital is that without at least some post processing, you are going to get pretty crappy results.

If you shoot with available light as you suggest it will need to be a an ISO of 1200 or more with a fast lens to prevent blurring. That means you are going to get some noise unless the shooter uses a full frame slr or is allowed to remove the noise in post processing. The noise can be reduced with in camera settings but the results will be less than optimum.

Depending on where you are going to do this, may I suggest an alternate fantasy. Set some flash units up strategically so that their light appears to be coming from lamps etc. Then have the photographer shoot through a window from the backyard using a radio-slave to fire the flash units. Perhaps if it's the "right" photographer you could "discover" her in the yard and force her in to the room for more play?

The technical difficulty and low pay may be why you aren't getting more responses.

Good luck!

Well, I see a couple of possible isses with the low response. Your wanting someone to shoot your session without compensation and to give up ownership of the photos.

Unless it were some fantesy of mine to do so, why whould I want to take my time and skill to shoot when I don't get paid and/or I don't get to join in? And a photographer is going to be very reluctent to give up all rights to the photos. I was a freelance photographer for years. The photos were my work and I spent a lot of time, effort, and money learning to do it well. I can only remember one shoot that I gave up the negatives and they payed a great deal extra for them.

If I were a friend, I might do it becasue of that. But your really wanting a non-friend to do it. Even someone just starting out would want to keep a copy to study and learn from even if they did the shoot for free.

Good luck
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
So you're curious why women aren't crawling out of the woodwork to do this for you, huh?

Well, for some of us who lead fairly active sex lives, WATCHING people having sex isn't that enjoyable or much of a treat at all. I have watched a LOT of people have sex with each other over the years and frankly, it leaves me feeling slightly dispassionate about the experience. It's almost clinical in the way that I look at it. It's certainly not heart-stopping thoughts of, "Oh wow. LOOK at what they're doing to each other! Wow. That is SO hot!!!". (My ability to use punctuation is off this am. Please forgive my transgressions ) Plus, I'm just not a voyeur. And many women aren't.

Also, then filming it is work, somewhat. I would never offer to do such a thing unless a friend asked and then I would bitch (at least privately) about doing it.

It's not a "wonderful thrill" or opportunity. In fact, I would think that it would be somewhat a drag. Sorry to burst your bubble, jfred. You asked why you might not be getting responses and these are just my thoughts about it.

And I sincerely hope that you find someone special who would sincerely enjoy sharing this with you and your lover. I can understand that for some, this experience would be exceptionally titillating. You might find someone easier on craiglist or aff. But for those of us who are experienced and have done a lot of different things with people, this is another day with another request for services rendered.

Sorry to be such a wet mop about the subject.

jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 10-07-2010, 02:06 PM
Thank you, each of you, for your interesting responses.

Iaintliein, your ideas are very provocative. I'd considered the idea of reflectors (balanced for the ambient daylight) but not the story-line. Nice.

And I understand what you (and Bubba) are saying about the lack of compensation for time, use of equipment and expertise -- all unquestionably of value.

Elisabeth, I particularly appreciate your perspective. A lot of women enjoy watching themselves get fucked (it seems to me) but I grok that that doesn't mean they want to see someone else doing it. The old "visual stimulation' thing that seems to weigh most heavily on the male side.

I knew a cute black gal once, about 28, that I used to shoot pool with. It came up (somehow!) in conversation that she'd never seen lovers in coitus (or, as she put it so delicately, "A big dick going into a pussy") and she wanted to. I got it all set up but she found Jesus just about that time and thought He would frown on her interests, or at least her realizing them. So, so far it's Jesus 1 - jfred 0 on that little fantasy. I'm glad you did not give doctrinal reasons for your lack of interest. What you say, as usual, makes perfect sense.

My deal on the images is that I won't let anything that shows faces out of my possession. The lady and I both have respectable families and professional reputations and I think it would be irresponsible of me to do otherwise. As I mentioned, after editing for identity I'd probably give up the rest for experimentation and educational purposes. Or whatever.

I've received several PM's btw from gents who meet my criteria of being both qualified and strange. Strangers, I mean! Or at least composed enough to pull of being someone I don't know. Thanks for those.

I'll take it under advisement and consult with my partner this week.

Thread's still open.
TrulySummer's Avatar
Summer, sweetie, you might be disappointed. I've lost some weight and my ASS isn't quite as plump and rosy as you remember it. Otherwise I think you'd probably be very good in the role. But...I'm sorta wanting to avoid having our photog being a lady with whom I have enjoyed carnal pleasures (in your case always with a condom I hasten to add!). Originally Posted by jfred
My original comment was just meant in jest. As for you ASS being plump or rosy, I was not implying anything about it either way. I was just trying to be funny about the mug shot all over the internet.

Couple of details: (1) The images are mine and the memory card stays with me -- not gonna have my mug on the www. If there are some images you'd like (and they pass the identity test) we can talk about it. And I'm easy). Originally Posted by jfred
Just for the record, I have to agree with EW on alot of what she said. I have filmed someone very close to me a few times as he had sex with another woman and did NOT join in. I actually enjoyed watching him and his "victims".
Sounds like you might have a volunteer with TrulySummer.

I dont get the bitching from some of the people on this thread. Its ok if a provider lost her car, or needs rent or broke a nail and she needs help to ask for it in our forum. But let a hobbyist seek out a special favor, and one that I would still like to participate in and some people jump on him. If you dont want to help out a hobbyist fine, but why rub his face in a simple request.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Wasn't bitchin' Bob, just sayin'