Voodoo????? can u help? suggestions?

ever heard of a head shrunk while someone alive?

How could someone get a hole in back of their head piece of skull an the catscan at hospital say theres nothing wrong with them?
from a injury in ones sleep.

Dr said it would heal been since 2009 not healed seems skull has shrunk dont think theres a worm eating the brain do you? a warm from a cat or raw meat?

or could it be voodoo?

a doll was found in grandmothers attic piece of its face was missing it had a green cloth in it an smelt the cloth then smelt funny then head hurt badly put doll in a box looking for it

should i take it to a voodoo priestess in louisana or should i take doll back to where i got it from grandmas attic .

grandma had to have surgery

an what can be done to heal head?

why wont hospitals fix or acnuledge head injury is it occult related?

I got mad an used the N word over an over 50 times maybe at a place im sure i was heard i didnt mean it5 towards africans i love africans my best friend was african

she is mad at me we had a fake well a play wedding in middleschool we married i was12 she is 1 month older her name is latrice i love her so much an miss her
havent seen here in years should i tell her i love her?

can you help?

btw always looking for a good massage
an willin do doubles always its all good male an female baby

hope my headache stops its a 4 an hurts everyday so bad.

i wish i could leave her so much go to another country

wish i had a girlfriend id like a african girlfriend ive only had 1 i loved her an miss her.

is it voodoo? what can i do ?
RickForFun's Avatar
If this one comes to town will someone take her by the hospital so they can hold her for a 48 hour observation? Then just maybe they will keep her.
ilovedatass's Avatar
Be careful of what you dig up
Baylee's Avatar
Gosh darnnit! I saw the word voodoo and thought it was going to be abt voodoo fest later this year....Next PLZ!!!!