Continuing the theme of the most corrupt, dishonest, incompetent administration in our history.........another Obama appointment caught deleting emails that investigators would like to see....

It has happened at the IRS, the EPA, and now the HHS.

Remember Carol Browner who had multiple email handles under pseudonyms for the purpose of hiding correspondence from investigators and FOIA requests......

Here is the bitch at HHS:

The administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) deleted some of her emails and may not be able to cooperate with a congressional investigation into the flawed Obamacare rollout, CMS has warned Congress.

Marilyn Tavenner, who was appointed by President Obama to take over CMS within the Department of Health and human Services in 2013 — prior to the Obamacare rollout — deleted some of her emails and did not save hard copies as the Federal Records Act requires her to do, MSNBC reported Thursday.

Though Tavenner’s computer did not crash like ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s computer allegedly did, Tavenner may be unable to cooperate with House Oversight and Government Reform Committee subpoenas.

Read more:
So. What do they have to fear. They can lie, deceive, just refuse to cooperate, and Congress gets pissed off.

But they all know that Eric Holder will not prosecute one single Democrat Lackey. Period. There is NOTHING an Obama Supporter can do that will result in an indictment, or prosecution. Period.

It's just the same as getting immunity before the fact.
Lisa P Jackson was the EPA head who had multiple email handles and was forced to resign although it had zero play in the MSM. My guess is this was systematic in the Obama administration as in a privately acknowledged "work around" known by top staff and officials.

Whoever is in charge of records retention and compliance and auditing of that compliance needs to be summarily fired - not to mention those deleting their emails and likely some IT staff also.
How many of you guys delete your email?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Are you asking about the ones of us that work for the government? You know the one that has to abide by the rules that are set forth under OUR laws. Or do you think because she is an Obama appointee that she gets a pass because the first black president appointed her.

What part of government out of control and in violation of the law do you knot understand I would not stoop to calling you an idiot as it is not needed you have proven that yourself.
cowboy8055's Avatar
How many of you guys delete your email? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
How many of us have high level positions in government?
cowboy8055's Avatar
No Kidding? HHS Likely Lost Subpoenaed Docs, Too.
How many of you guys delete your email? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Every few months I simply click on "select all" and delete my entire email history. I consider it an important part of maintaining discretion.

However, I am not bound by the Federal Records Act, and deleting my emails is not a federal crime. Slight difference there.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Here is the bitch at HHS:

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whir-LIE-turd, what proof do you have that:

1) She refuses to cooperate with an investigation
2) She is a bitch?
3) MLK stated he was against illegal immigration
4) President Obama closed down Israeli airspace
5) The Democratic Party began a war against women when Teddy Kennedy drove off the Chapaquiddick Bridge
6) I have 20,000+ posts
7) Wisconsin is trending Romney

The list grows every time you start a thread, dipshit.
Are you asking about the ones of us that work for the government? You know the one that has to abide by the rules that are set forth under OUR laws. Or do you think because she is an Obama appointee that she gets a pass because the first black president appointed her.

What part of government out of control and in violation of the law do you knot understand I would not stoop to calling you an idiot as it is not needed you have proven that yourself. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Quit dodging the question, and making yourself look dumb.
How many of you guys delete your email? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The brain eating bacteria that invaded your head starved to death.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Great one gonad. It's so funny I forgot to laugh...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How many of you guys delete your email? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
There are a few federal laws that say that working email accounts cannot be deleted and that it is illegal to conduct any business with a "personal" account. Don't you remember? That is what they tried to charge Sarah Palin with and failed. I bet you supported that....I smell a hypocrite. Is that you EVA?
The brain eating bacteria that invaded your head starved to death. Originally Posted by gnadfly
There are a few federal laws that say that working email accounts cannot be deleted and that it is illegal to conduct any business with a "personal" account. Don't you remember? That is what they tried to charge Sarah Palin with and failed. I bet you supported that....I smell a hypocrite. Is that you EVA? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Sins answered the question which seems to have baffled you weak minded wingers.
SoF......good to see you posting in the political forum......................kee p posting..........we need more participation from the "other half" of the ECCIE community.

Every few months I simply click on "select all" and delete my entire email history. I consider it an important part of maintaining discretion.

However, I am not bound by the Federal Records Act, and deleting my emails is not a federal crime. Slight difference there. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh