Misleading Review from Jdv1321sk

I did meet with Jdv1321sk on the day that he says we met in October (5th) of last year. I’m not disputing that at all. The reason why this review is misleading is because 1) He listed activities that we did not do. 2) The title of the review. 3) The real reason why this review was written after all this time.

I have no problem with receiving positive or negative feedback in the form of a review. I encourage reviews, good or bad, but this review was written for an entirely different reason.

If the OP was unimpressed and if I was so robotic why did he wait 9 months to write the review? What’s the motive behind writing a review for an encounter almost a year old that he obviously can’t receive credit for?

The purpose of writing reviews are to give an HONEST & ACCURATE account of the time spent with someone. Whether it be to warn others or simply share your experience(s). I had 290 reviews before this one and I have never been described as robotic and/or unpleasant. While I understand that it’s impossible to please everyone in this business and everyone is entitled to their opinion when it comes to reviews, this 9 month old review was written out of spite because I would not provide a reference for him to see another lady. I did not provide a reference for him because more than 6 months had went by since we last met. When he contacted me on May 31, 2019 asking me why I would not provide a reference for him to see another lady, I directed him to my FAQ page on my website that explained the reason why I couldn’t give him a reference. He then became upset and said a few things to me via email.

This is not a new policy of mine. It’s listed on my website in more than one place. Anyone who has ever contacted me for references know that I am accurate, prompt and professional when giving references as long as it’s within a 6 month period. Several ladies and gents can vouch for this.

The only time I MAY provide a reference outside of the 6 month time frame is if I have seen the gent several times and we keep in contact in between meetings. I’ve only met this guy once and I screened him as a newbie so I was not comfortable giving him a reference past 6 months and because of that he got angry and upset.

I’m sure everyone can put the pieces together and decipher what the truth really is.

Have fun & be safe,

x"CY"ting's Avatar
x"CY"ting's Avatar
Sorry, I meant good response. Thanks
VictoriaGreyVG's Avatar
I'm sorry he did that sweet heart, that's really crappy BUT I do want to thank you for have that stipulation as it also keeps our fellow providers safe too.
DallasRain's Avatar
Sorry that happened...rock on sexy
You asked me to write a review, I did not immediately write a review because I had nothing good to say.

Correct you would not provide a reference for me, I had issue with that as you continually spam my personal email address soliciting business from me, then refuse to reference me to another provider, I explained that to you as well, no secret.

Feel free to paste anything I said in an email. Again no problem to me.

Problem however, in that you stated above my review listed things that did not happen, that is a problem because now you are lying. So explain to me specifically what didn't happen.

The reason many of you don't have bad reviews is because of this specifically, little crybaby fits, what everyone who reads the review will notice however is that almost immediately there were collaborating private statements posted in the ROS, that in itself speaks volumes.

But back to the main question, what part my review are you claiming didn't happen?

“1) He listed activities that we did not do.”
As I stated before, I welcome all reviews, good, bad or indifferent. I know what comes with asking for them. My definition of a good time could be totally contrary to the next person and vice versa.

Spam- irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the internet to a large number of recipients.

By definition of that word the newsletters I send are not irrelevant or inappropriate. The only way you or anyone will ever receive a newsletter from me is if you contacted me inquiring about a meeting, if you have been prescreened by me, if I have previously met with you or if you signed up to receive my newsletters. I did not approach you for a meeting, you initially contacted me. That is why you receive(d) my newsletters. The email you entered as your HOBBY email on my form is the email that newsletters go to. Before I blocked you, if you had rather not received anything from me you should have utilized the opt out option at the bottom of the letter.

I will never post private messages in public view unless it’s absolutely necessary. What you said was not that serious and nothing I can’t handle. As far as activities, ONE activity did not take place. I highlighted that to support my point. There is no reason for me to state something that is not true.

Most reviews are very subjective so it’s not the end of the world. I have more than enough. Like I stated in my 1st post, it’s impossible to please everyone. I will continue to do the best job that I can possibly do and if I can’t give 100% I won’t take the appointment. I can live with how it turns out!

In closing, it’s not about you giving me a “bad review”. It’s about WHY you waited 9 months to write the review and the fact that you wrote it AFTER you got upset that I would not give you a reference. That is what you call a crybaby fit

I’m not going to go back and forth with you about this anymore. I’ve said everything I needed to say.

Have a wonderful day,

This makes both of you look bad. Not that looking bad takes a whole lot on here, but I get enough he said she said on CNN and FOX. Reasonable people have already made up their mind on this matter as it regards both of you. I have. That decision is mine. One of you should be the adult and just walk away. Or not.

It's a business, until it's not. Then it is a hobby. Selective definitions to meet whatever changing narrative is needed that particular moment. In a real business, there is an old English principle, it's called the power of the purse. In this instance, both parties have some power, and I'd recommend that each party exercise that power any way they wish, to the extent possible.

I did say reasonable people. For the rest of you? Go...............
omg_lol's Avatar
This makes both of you look bad. Not that looking bad takes a whole lot on here, but I get enough he said she said on CNN and FOX. Reasonable people have already made up their mind on this matter as it regards both of you. I have. That decision is mine. One of you should be the adult and just walk away. Or not.

It's a business, until it's not. Then it is a hobby. Selective definitions to meet whatever changing narrative is needed that particular moment. In a real business, there is an old English principle, it's called the power of the purse. In this instance, both parties have some power, and I'd recommend that each party exercise that power any way they wish, to the extent possible.

I did say reasonable people. For the rest of you? Go............... Originally Posted by Golfer1
I always find these posts interesting: people who discourage sharing information even though that’s the whole point of the site.

Not every monger has an unlimited hobby budget so they want to make sure their hard earned money and time is spent wisely.
Originally Posted by The_baron
Originally Posted by Schoolofrock