
MacTheKnife's Avatar
To our very own Sydney Pure.

Provider of the Day!!!
Woo Hoo! Go Sydney!
Congrats Sydney!

Sydney Pure's Avatar

I'm just finding out!!!

I guess the blonde is getting to me..

Nothing against blondes you know I luv my babes!!

Thanks Everyone!!! Have a wonderful week!!!
Bluesboy's Avatar
Congratulations Ms Sydney!! Provider of the Day... That's great! Have a great day!

And no, there is absolutely nothing wrong with blonds... specially "Pure" blondes...
jon5150's Avatar
Congratz my naughty nurse!!
Congrats beautiful!!!
  • MrGiz
  • 08-30-2010, 05:34 PM
Now eveyone across the Nation gets to know what a Little Treat we have here in Arkansas..... Every Day!!

Congrats, Syd!!

I'm agreeing with Giz alot these days. Don't know if that's good or bad except this agreement about Sydney is a no brainer. You are xtrey extry special special Sydney Sydney!!!!!