Sick Sick Sick

Pamelatoo's Avatar
Watching the news. KARK. 25yr old man sexually assulted a 3yr old child in a Walmart bathroom. I am so disturbed by this I can hardly contain myself.
I just dont know how this can or will be tolerated. In my opinion the officials need to get old school on this sick bastard. Actually I think they need to throw him back out in the Public.I wonder how many feet from the jail house doors he will make it before he meets his maker..
That Pam Chick
Sydney Pure's Avatar
i agree Pam 1000%
Children are innocent but then we wonder what's wrong with the world today?!?!

here's my story just for .02...
but not tooo long ago I was in walmart of course I had my little sundress and wasn't paying any attention besides what i was looking for on the shelf when i slightly bent to grap something off the shelf I felt something go up inside my leg and was trying to lift my skirt ... I turned around to a complete pervert who I asked what the hell are you doing and he ran around the corner so fast I couldn't even find him!!!

Hell I couldn't made all his dreams come true but I guess he was SCARED!!!

People are F^ck*ng NUTS these Days!!!!
Pamelatoo's Avatar
Atleast you were old enough to make a decision.
BTW Congrats.
Sydney Pure's Avatar
Amen Sister but what baffled me is where is all the cameras and secret shoppers when things like this happen???

I even told someone they looked down a few isle and hmm not big deal!!!!
Pamelatoo's Avatar
I must confess.. I was a secret shopper in my late teen yrs. An I'll tell ya where I was..Trying on shoes not doin my job.
What gets me is WHERE THE HELL WAS MOMMA!!!! I can sit her all day long and play the blame game and it won't bring back her innocense and sense of trust. But over and over I cant help but think.... What kind of momma does not have a constant visual on thier 3yr old child in a store? Not just a store. Even at home. (If you have the luxury of being a stay at homer mom) Yes they will eat a bug when u turn your back for a second... But this is total negligence. He should be hung on the hangin tree and momma...hhmmmm still workin on that one.
Sydney Pure's Avatar
trubrit's Avatar
Something similar, but a different kind of abuse involving a mother (so called) out of Van Buren. A child (3yrs old I think) was standing in the middle of the road. A motorist stopped and got the child out of the road. Eventually the childs home was found. As soon as the police entered the home, the authorities were called and kids in the home were taken into protective custody. Other kids were recovered from school. The mother, 26, had 10 kids. The "home" was so filthy it was condemned.
I got this through a third party, but I did hear part of this mentioned on the local news (LR) also.