Please Read: Break from the board.

I have PM's from several on the board from the past few days and I will not be able to reply. I will be off the boards for a little while. Please redirect all questions to urhuckleberry or other staff until I return. Thanks
Enjoy your vacation Sir. Sometimes we all need to just step back to see the light. I can only imagine your reasons and sympathize with you. Hopefully, it's not with chest pains that you go on hiatus. Respect is not easy to understand or return when not learned but I will give you mine and withdrawal from the drama as well. It's a class thing. Good day and good luck. Just remember, you are the mod they chose for a reason... maybe when you return, the maturity level will have risen from those you hope learn to appreciate the true purpose of the board... hobby family and protecting each other. It reminds me of a pack of hungry wolves and no matter who the outsider is... they will TRY to devour them. When they get wore out, they turn to their true leader/s and wear him down with discontent. As I said, I wish you lotsa luck with that one. You and Huck both seem to be pretty reasonable. Maybe you should take turns so you don't end up with regrets and can even disagree. Call it intuition. Hopefully you can do better than the last and not just join in on the reindeer games. Rules should apply to everyone and equally. Leadership is hard, especially when you volunteer. Personally, I just wanna have fun and be on a good team.
Big Hug! Lacey

96 views huh? Why am I the only one responding? Seems to me some apologies are in order. Maybe the drama king will submit! Hmmmm? You guys are only gonna be left with each other in the end and oh what a good time that will be... (that was a joke). You are doing it to yourselves! Hmmmm, maybe that's why some of the classier guys go to BP in Arkansas and end up busted. Your board reputation is bad in a lot of places, by the way, due to the way ya act and treat others. So you think ya'll are so special. I think they are right. The truth comes out in the end. My feelings, I'm not going down with you. My projection, it won't be long between the drama and LE. My hope, the board owners explain to you the purpose of the board and force you to act on somewhat of a professional level as to grow a nice place to be in the hobby. My suggestion, start that conversation with "THIS ISN'T HIGH SCHOOL PEOPLE, we are all adults now let's act like it" and get rid of the overly dramatic with obvious intentions... keeping you in a circle. Why? Looks to me as if it just may be an illusion of good bizness in a personal life! Maybe a lil more faith and respect for the people in this bizness and a personal life is due instead of the controlling bad example to one and all. Of course, I support independent thinking and am willing to help those whom wish to achieve it. Just ask those I've helped before...

Or am I the first touring provider that won't deal with Arkansas because of the drama? I thought it may be different for me cause I grew up here but I can and will always admit when I am wrong, and I was. Let's see you do that... and apologize to your mods for behaving like brats, break up the clique and have some fun! But don't mistake that I care... again, just trying to help! Cause your situation is just plain ass SAD! If ya have to dog others to achieve your goals... you won't last long. Bye-Bye!

*the desperate always attack the strong to try to relieve the threat* (clue)
scooter's Avatar
catch you on the other side...
  • MrGiz
  • 09-03-2010, 12:44 PM

We are ALL Bozos on this bus!!

Happy Trails..........
Damn, Giz. You have waaaaaay too much time on your hands.

WTF!!!!! Who pushed Lacey's hotbutton today? Can anyone write Staff edit - for her? Take a breath sweetie.
  • MrGiz
  • 09-03-2010, 12:57 PM
It's much nicer than the first reply I had typed and ready to send.

I think it's time for someone's 2:00pm Staff edit ...... JEEEEEZUS!!
Sonoman's Avatar
Damn, Giz. You have waaaaaay too much time on your hands.

WTF!!!!! Who pushed Lacey's hotbutton today? Can anyone write a Staff edit for her? Take a breath sweetie. Originally Posted by arklookn4lovn
Sure be glad to Staff edit -
scooter's Avatar
thanks guys...I thought it was just me....I'm imagining Randomuser taking a 3 week vacation to Belize with family and not being able to monitor the board...had no idea it was how pissed off we all are.....not...scoot
This isn't High School and Randomuser's break from the board has NOTHING to do with the Hobby or the "brats" on the board......he will be back!!! Therefore, no drama needed.
Bewildered former investigator believe to have read in lengthy epistle Ms.Lacey's intent to egress company of dysfunctional hobbyists. If so, will not presume to show door as exits well lit, and suspect lady has much experience in showing self out. Best wishes in someday finding board where contentment reign supreme and every man is brother. And just think what fun will be had in burning it down.
Back to thread, best luck Random user.hope to see soon.
I know there is no need for drama, and randomuser is entitled to time away from all this, but this woman is so so off the wall looney tunes it lead me to laugh every time I re read it.
figure_artist's Avatar
Originally Posted by MrGiz
I resemble that remark. Have a great weekend and break Random.
See you soon compadre...

willro's Avatar
WTF??? I thought this thread was about random taking a small vacation, but I guess it was about a shit-storm that I was not aware of.
I am just gonna go ahead and say it...
Staff Edit - personal attacks will not be tolerated
Wilro Sweetie, read Rando's post again. He doesn't want to answer ALL the pms he has gotten, no doubt, Staff edit personal attacks will not be tolerated guess I could be wrong... naaa, I know I am right! Staff edit - personal info not allowed He's got things to support ya know...

Shelby, good luck Sweetheart. I know for a fact a lot more guys want to see you... Staff edit - personal info not allowed I'd say, an easy 50... in Louisiana alone. Wander if I am right? Ask other providers... or Staff edit personal info not allowed Then you'll get the real picture and the mod/s can answer their pms without headaches from repeat drama as an end result.

BTW, I don't do drugs... so you won't be giving me anything. Save that shit for yourself. And I believe it is against board rules to even talk about drugs because it brings unnecessary attention to the board. Very unprofessional Sonoman Staff edit personal attack You should know better than to call the kettle black Baby. You really believe nobody talks about you, don't you? Well Bye now. I got better things to do than entertain this any longer. I'll leave that for Giz, he is soooo much better at it than I am and he's almost the moderator... just a few more hits and head games; and he wins. Staff edit - personal info not allowed Oooo what fun! roflmao.