House Intelligence Committee Finds No Collusion abetween Trump and Russians!!

We have all been wondering why Adam Shiff has been backtracking in the past week on his "Trump Collusion" rants.

It seems after months and months of investigating, testimony from countless witnesses, the conclusion is what President Trump has been saying all along. He did not collude with the Russians in the past election.

Of course, the Democrats will still hang on the hope that Mueller will come up with something, anything, to justify this ongoing charade.

This almost seems anti-climatic. So will Mueller's report. In his wide scoping investigations, he will recommend indictments for various crimes centered around individules attempting to enrich themselves through various means of under the table dealings, but none of that will have anything to do with the 2016 election, or it's final results.

I was going to tune in to CNN or MSNBC to catch their reaction, but why bother.
We have all been wondering why Adam Shiff has been backtracking in the past week on his "Trump Collusion" rants.

It seems after months and months of investigating, testimony from countless witnesses, the conclusion is what President Trump has been saying all along. He did not collide with the Russians in the past election.

Of course, the Democrats will still hang on the hope that Mueller will come up with something, anything, to justify this ongoing charade.

This almost seems anti-climatic. So will Mueller's report. In his wide scoping investigations, he will recommend indictments for various crimes centered around individules attempting to enrich themselves through various means of under the table dealings, but none of that will have anything to do with the 2016 election, or it's final results.

I was going to tune in to CNN or MSNBC to catch their reaction, but why bother. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And the supply of Depends just took ANOTHER hit ! That's ok . My stock in the manufacturer keeps going up due to the LYING LIBERALS reactions !
firelips's Avatar
Hahahahaha “Republicans find no collusion” HAAHAAHAA
themystic's Avatar
They also found OJ innocent
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hahahahaha “Republicans find no collusion” HAAHAAHAA Originally Posted by firelips
Hahahahaha “Adam Schiffty said he had proof of collusion more than a year ago but was never able to credibly produce it” HAAHAAHAA

I was going to tune in to CNN or MSNBC to catch their reaction, but why bother. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Don't hold your breath. Not only will their reaction be muted and dismissive, the MSM will high fiving each other because "Mueller's getting closer" which is the daily talking point delivered by their media management consultants.
themystic's Avatar
Hahahahaha “Adam Schiffty said he had proof of collusion more than a year ago but was never able to credibly produce it” HAAHAAHAA Originally Posted by I B Hankering

How Ironic! Last week Vladimir Putin determined there was no Russian collusion. Thats TWO credible sources. Now all Trump has to do is get past Mueller

IB I hope the good people of NOLA dont have anything like Katrina happen under Trumps watch. Remember that last Republican president you voted for.
I B Hankering's Avatar
How Ironic! Last week Vladimir Putin determined there was no Russian collusion. Thats TWO credible sources. Now all Trump has to do is get past Mueller

IB I hope the good people of NOLA dont have anything like Katrina happen under Trumps watch. Remember that last Republican president you voted for.
Originally Posted by themystic

It was the dim-retard governor and the dim-retard mayor that fucked things up, mistake. NOLA still has both, your ignorant jackass.

themystic's Avatar

It was the dim-retard governor and the dim-retard mayor that fucked things up, mistake. NOLA still has both, your ignorant jackass.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
How many days was it before Bush responded IB?

I B Hankering's Avatar
How many days was it before Bush responded IB?

Originally Posted by themystic
How many school buses that could of been used for evacuation were flooded and rendered useless while the dim-retard mayor sat unprepared and unresponsive in a hotel room, mistake? How many days did that dim-retard mayor stay in that fucking hotel room away from what was happening in the fucking city, mistake? How many days was it before the dim-retard governor would wave posse comitatus and allow federal assistance, mistake? You need a fucking education on what the fuck really happened, mistake -- including how dim-retard controlled local levee boards misappropriated levee maintenance funds to hire brothers, sisters and cousins to do-nothing jobs while the levees were neglected and went unrepaired, mistake.
Don’t be a retard, of course the Republican report is a white-wash. Mueller has indicted how many people for crimes with 30-40 years sentences? Pretty obvious that Trump is at least guilty of money laundering and will be the first president criminally indicted on felony charges, and forget impeachment, so irrelevant. And obviously, his porn star mistress has dick pics, so that’s going to be fun
I B Hankering's Avatar
Don’t be a retard, of course the Republican report is a white-wash. Mueller has indicted how many people for crimes with 30-40 years sentences? Pretty obvious that Trump is at least guilty of money laundering and will be the first president criminally indicted on felony charges, and forget impeachment, so irrelevant. And obviously, his porn star mistress has dick pics, so that’s going to be fun Originally Posted by greenbook
Prostitution is legal in parts of Nevada, and Trump didn't use taxpayer money to pay his twist nor the Oval Office to stage the extramarital tryst like Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator did, retard.

Noticed how your equivocating, lib-retarded ass gave up on proving "collusion" to hoping for "money laundering", retard.
themystic's Avatar
How many school buses that could of been used for evacuation were flooded and rendered useless while the dim-retard mayor sat unprepared and unresponsive in a hotel room, mistake? How many days did that dim-retard mayor stay in that fucking hotel room away from what was happening in the fucking city, mistake? How many days was it before the dim-retard governor would wave posse comitatus and allow federal assistance, mistake? You need a fucking education on what the fuck really happened, mistake -- including how dim-retard controlled local levee boards misappropriated levee maintenance funds to hire brothers, sisters and cousins to do-nothing jobs while the levees were neglected and went unrepaired, mistake.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
OK I get it. You don't like liberal Democrats. So how many days before Bush went to NOLA?

He flew over and said " Brownies doing a good job, nothing to see here"
I B Hankering's Avatar
OK I get it. You don't like liberal Democrats. So how many days before Bush went to NOLA?

He flew over and said " Brownies doing a good job, nothing to see here"
Originally Posted by themystic
What part of the dim-retard governor wouldn't wave the restrictions imposed by posse comitatus does your ignorant-ass not understand, mistake?
LexusLover's Avatar
They also found OJ innocent Originally Posted by themystic
The "Republicans"?