The New Word......”If True”

So now the Main Stream Media can report any defamatory story about President Trump they want to by pre-facing it with....”If True”

“We have a report that President Trump is a Russian Agent. If true.......”

“We have a source saying that President Trump will fire Mueller. If True.......”

“We have a report that President Trump ordered Cohen to Lie. If True.....”

“We have a report that President Trump is selling Martians the secret plans to our National Defence. If a True.....”

“We have a source saying that President Trump is going to sell Manhattan back to the Indians for $27. If True.........”

“We have a report that President Trump is really a Chinese Agent and went through extensive plastic surgery. If True.........”

“We have a source saying that a President Trump is the Anti-Christ. If True.........”

All, of course, ending with that the phrase....”Impeachable Offense”.
roaringfork's Avatar
Always thought Cartman was a leftist at heart....
The other phrases the mainstream media use is

"What Trump is thinking..."
"IF Trump does this..."
"What Trump is saying..."
"What Trump ISN'T saying is..."
"How much longer can Trump go without doing anything about..."
"It seems to me Trump wants..."

Followed by horseshit.

Really, there are too many to list.
chefnerd's Avatar
Actually that could be put in front of everything that Trump says:

IF TRUE Emperor Narcissus says this == insert statement here
TheDaliLama's Avatar
"" The polls say..Blah blah blah...and that's a fact!"
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Actually that could be put in front of everything that Trump says:

IF TRUE Emperor Narcissus says this == insert statement here Originally Posted by chefnerd

Actually that could be put in front of everything that Obama/Clinton/Any Dem says:

IF TRUE the hateful DEMS says this == insert racist anti-American statement here
  • oeb11
  • 01-22-2019, 07:47 AM
"We Know" - another DPST preface to outrageous lies.
Nadler quoted "We know Trump is involved in obstruction of justice"
No facts presented in a very serious allegation DPST's throw around with alacrity.
From Hitler and Goebbels - masters of the art of propaganda - the DPST's have taken note.

“Only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on the memory of the crowd."
LexusLover's Avatar
Actually ..... Originally Posted by chefnerd
... get over it, ok?

It's "unbecoming" ... but "actually" somewhat typical .....

rexdutchman's Avatar
What's going on now reminds me of a cross between 1) If it bleeds it leads
2) The song Dirty Laundry ( Glenn Fry)

Yup IF TRUE is the new say whatever I want snowflake phrase
Just look at the editing of the protest with the teenagers
  • oeb11
  • 01-22-2019, 09:08 AM
Amen - RD.

Some try to use the term "snowflake" erroneously to refer to Conservatives.

Wrong- it describes the radical leftists DPST's .
Thanks for using it properly.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-22-2019, 09:15 AM
Another circle jerk...

Trump was doing business with the Russians and lied about it.

Trump's campaign manger was giving polling data to the Russians

The Russians used the data to help Trump get elected.

Yet morons still suppoert Trump.

Trump is all about Trump. He was all about making Trump money, still is.
  • oeb11
  • 01-22-2019, 09:50 AM
a contribution to this thread
Senator: 'Bad Email' Could Show GOP Obstructed Justice

"Could show" is another of the smear tactics - along with "We know" with no supporting factual evidence.

Let the DPST dominated House impeach the entire Republican House for "obstruction of justice" - that should be fun.

Meanwhile - Graham's Senate judiciary investigation into DOJ and FBI conduct regarding Hilary's mideeds is now open. That has potential to involve misconduct on the DPST house and Senate members for exactly the same conduct of which they are accusing Republicans.

Gotta give it to the DPST's - they love to accuse others of their own venal conduct.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
bamscram's Avatar
rexdutchman's Avatar
That's funny ^^
Like the song says " it doesn't have to be true "