they wont give up

sherrif joe and his posse


and rosie o'donnell thinks bush took down the world trade center
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-21-2012, 03:49 PM
poor old joe

tons of info that "COULD BE"

pretty much been the same "could be" for how many years now?

could be Joe is a psycho.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I take it you never read it then. I did and you should go into the stories inside the story. Then you can argue with some knowledge.
waverunner234's Avatar
sherrif joe and his posse think bush took down the world trade center Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Then why didn't they arrest him?
That would have saved us a war or two.
poor old joe

tons of info that "COULD BE"

pretty much been the same "could be" for how many years now?

could be Joe is a psycho. Originally Posted by CJ7
You say Psycho likes its a bad thing! LOL
I saw a huge disclosure of this when I was checking out of the grocery,didn't have time to read it.If you are interested it was in the Globe.Pick up a copy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So you haven't read it...
Obama is a lying dishonest politician; I don't put it past him (and/or his cronies) to fabricate a birth certificate.

Why won't he release his college transcripts?

Because he claims he is a foreign student (translated for the Obamazombies = Not an American)?
joe bloe's Avatar
Obama is a lying dishonest politician; I don't put it past him (and/or his cronies) to fabricate a birth certificate.

Why won't he release his college transcripts?

Because he claims he is a foreign student (translated for the Obamazombies = Not an American)? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I don't trust Obama. His background is a mystery. He has never been fully vetted.

Is he a natural born citizen? Is his long form birth certificate a forgery? Is his certificate of live birth a forgery? Is his social security number legitimate? Why Is he good friends with leftist terrorist/radicals? Why is he good friends with anti-semites? Why did he choose Van Jones as green energy czar when it was common knowledge that he was a Marxist? Who paid for his education? Why did he go to Pakistan for three weeks 1981 when the state department recommended against American citizens traveling there?

As far as I'm concerned, these are all legitimate questions. A legitimate media would have asked all of these questions to Obama, to his press secretary, to all of his representatives, but they haven't.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
u racist birther teanuts just cant let it go. LOL! only 5 more years of this hand wringing & u'll b done. LOL!
It's gonna be fun watching Obama (and the Obamazombies) sput and sputter as they get shown the exit door November 7th 2012..................
joe bloe's Avatar
It's gonna be fun watching Obama (and the Obamazombies) sput and sputter as they get shown the exit door November 7th 2012.................. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Obama campaigned for Raila Odinga (a fellow Luo tribe member) in August of 2006 when he was running for president of Kenya. Obama spent a week in Kenya traveling around with Odinga giving speeches for him.

Odinga signed an agreement with Muslim groups to convert Kenya to Sharia law if they would give him their endorsement.

Odinga lost the election and claimed election fraud. After losing the election his followers became extremely violent. Approximately fifteen hundred Kenyans were killed by his followers. They trapped 50 people in a church and burned them alive. The violence was so extreme that the government was forced to create a political position for him. They made him prime minister, a position which had not existed for decades.

From Wikipedia:

Odinga accused Kibaki of fraud, and violence broke out in the country as ODM supporters attempted to make the country ungovernable.[20] Following two months of unrest, a deal between Odinga and Kibaki, which provided for power-sharing and the creation of the post of Prime Minister, was signed in February 2008; it was brokered by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Odinga was sworn in as Prime Minister, along with the power-sharing Cabinet, on April 17, 2008. Previously the post of Prime Minister had not existed since 1964, when it was briefly held by Jomo Kenyatta following independence; Odinga is thus the second person in Kenya's history to hold the position.

Barack Obama campaigned for this monster. Have you ever heard about it in the media? Probably not.

If Obama does lose the election by a close vote, I'd be willing to bet there will be serious rioting. If Obama wins the popular vote but fails to win the Electoral College vote, I think there's a good chance Obama's supporters will attempt to make the country "ungovernable" in much the same way Odinga's supporters did, very likey with Obama's unofficial support.
If it is a close election (and Obama is the loser); I have no doubt his "community" will be burning down their neighborhoods.
joe bloe's Avatar
If it is a close election (and Obama is the loser); I have no doubt his "community" will be burning down their neighborhoods. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Just as long as they don't burn down my neighborhood.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If it is a close election (and Obama is the loser); I have no doubt his "community" will be burning down their neighborhoods. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Either way, Odumbo is still a 'loser'.