
Iaintliein's Avatar
Held for two years without bond, after the FBI spent who knows how much money "investigating". And their only "crime", was expressing hatred of the government which responded to them in exactly the way that fostered the hatred.
A federal judge has thrown out all the significant charges against members of the Hutaree Militia in Michigan. This case was near and dear to Eric Holder, and an effort to use the power of the Justice Department against right wing militias. The federal court found that the defendants did little more than exercise their free speech rights against the government. The Washington Post:
The decision is an embarrassment for the government . . . . “The court is aware that protected speech and mere words can be sufficient to show a conspiracy. In this case, however, they do not rise to that level,” the judge said. . . . U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade declined to comment. Two years ago, when militia members were arrested, she said it was time to “take them down.”
How ironic and delicious. In 2010, some were defending the dismissal of the New Black Panther voter intimidation case on free speech grounds, even though they physically tried to block a poll. To Eric Holder, the political leanings of the speakers seems to determine how much respect for those rights the political appointees at DOJ will afford.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Held for two years without bond, after the FBI spent who knows how much money "investigating". And their only "crime", was expressing hatred of the government which responded to them in exactly the way that fostered the hatred. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Well stated.
They kind of sound like some of the paranoid freaks encountered on here.....setting aside the stated desire to murder police officers and their families. I can't help but think how at odds some of our citizens have become with the government when they side with the scum who want to take down the United States Of America versus those trying (perhaps ineptly) to enforce the law and keep the rest of us safe. Anyway, here are some the quotes that remind me of the crazies on here:

"He was recorded saying he was willing to kill police and even their families. He considered them part of a “brotherhood” — a sinister globalority that included federal law enforcers and United Nations troops.

He had bizarre beliefs: Stone suspected Germany and Singapore had aircraft stationed in Texas, and thousands of Canadian troops were poised to take over Michigan. He said the government put computer chips in a flu vaccine.

He had a speech prepared for a regional militia gathering in Kentucky in 2010, but bad weather forced him and others to return to Michigan. Instead, he read it in the van while a secret camera installed by the FBI captured the remarks.

“It is time to strike and take our nation back so that we may be free again from tyranny,” Stone said. “Time is up, God bless all of you and welcome to the new revolution.”
Swor said Stone is a Christian who was bracing for war against the Antichrist.
“This is not the United States government. This is Satan’s army,” Swor told the judge Monday, referring to the enemy."

I wonder how many of you conservabots would be quacking about this if the family members were named Abu and Muhammad and Farak? I suspect we'd be hearing the exact opposite: "Why were these dirty muslims let out of jail!?!?

I could care less if these clowns were locked up for a while. Probably gave 'em a decent place to sleep instead of the chicken coop they were used to.
Iaintliein's Avatar
For once we agree on something Tim, it is hard to understand how so many can side with the scum in DC who want to take down the United States of America.
joe bloe's Avatar
For once we agree on something Tim, it is hard to understand how so many can side with the scum in DC who want to take down the United States of America. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
If all of our elected representatives would uphold their oath of office and simply abide by the constitution, we wouldn't have to worry about an out of control federal government.

The constitution was designed to protect people from being locked up for no good reason. I'm afraid that our war on Islamist terrorism is going to end up with everyone's freedom being severly restricted.
For once we agree on something Tim, it is hard to understand how so many can side with the scum in DC who want to take down the United States of America. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
But not difficult at all to understand you lining up with the cretins who want to take down the government.

Run away now, and hide behind your ignore button,
Iaintliein's Avatar
If all of our elected representatives would uphold their oath of office and simply abide by the constitution, we wouldn't to worry about an out of control federal government.

The constitution was designed to protect people from being locked up for no good reason. I'm afraid that our war on Islamist terrorism is going to end up with everyone's freedom being severly restricted. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Yep, a document purposely written to be understandable by anyone who is literate and yet we elect people who purposely subvert it at every opportunity.
I B Hankering's Avatar
They kind of sound like some of the paranoid freaks encountered on here.....setting aside the stated desire to murder police officers and their families. I can't help but think how at odds some of our citizens have become with the government when they side with the scum who want to take down the United States Of America versus those trying (perhaps ineptly) to enforce the law and keep the rest of us safe. Anyway, here are some the quotes that remind me of the crazies on here:

"He was recorded saying he was willing to kill police and even their families. He considered them part of a “brotherhood” — a sinister globalority that included federal law enforcers and United Nations troops.

He had bizarre beliefs: Stone suspected Germany and Singapore had aircraft stationed in Texas, and thousands of Canadian troops were poised to take over Michigan. He said the government put computer chips in a flu vaccine.

He had a speech prepared for a regional militia gathering in Kentucky in 2010, but bad weather forced him and others to return to Michigan. Instead, he read it in the van while a secret camera installed by the FBI captured the remarks.

“It is time to strike and take our nation back so that we may be free again from tyranny,” Stone said. “Time is up, God bless all of you and welcome to the new revolution.”
Swor said Stone is a Christian who was bracing for war against the Antichrist.
“This is not the United States government. This is Satan’s army,” Swor told the judge Monday, referring to the enemy."

I wonder how many of you conservabots would be quacking about this if the family members were named Abu and Muhammad and Farak? I suspect we'd be hearing the exact opposite: "Why were these dirty muslims let out of jail!?!?

I could care less if these clowns were locked up for a while. Probably gave 'em a decent place to sleep instead of the chicken coop they were used to. Originally Posted by timpage
NOTE: You are defending the actions of a government employee, U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade – appointed by Odumbo, who violated many of Articles listed under the Bill of Rights guaranteed to American citizens – of all colors and creeds.

Now who should you be afraid of? The government? Or a dozen or so weakly organized militiamen?
NOTE: You are defending the actions of a government employee, U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade – appointed by Odumbo, who violated many of Articles listed under the Bill of Rights guaranteed to American citizens – of all colors and creeds.

Now who should you be afraid of? The government? Or a dozen or so weakly organized militiamen? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I realize much better than you what I am doign. These people were arrested, they were indicted by a federal grand jury, bail was denied or they couldn't pay it, a trial was held and a United States District Court Judge (part of that government you are so afraid of) made the judgment call that rather than letting a jury decide, the court would acquit some of the defendants. So what? It happens every single day in the United States and if you have any familiarity with the way the criminal courts work, you would know this fact. It is not uncommon for criminals charged with crimes to spend months or years behind bars awaiting trial and to then be acquitted, give a plea bargain that cuts them loose or have a just acquit them during trial, as happened here.

My point is....think about it: think about what your fanatical hatred of the government has turned you into and you're so blind to it that you don't even realize it. You have the opportunity to bash the government, oh goodie, and that is all you and your buddies can think of.....So, what do you do? You line up on the side of lunatics who talk about killing police officers and blowing up their families with bombs. That's who you are. Be proud.
Iaintliein's Avatar
That's right, these evil folks talked about stuff so their dangerous, Ayers and company killed people but their liberal heroes along with their bud Obumer. Hey, as long as it's legal, right Tim? I won't bore you with the list of "legal" ways governments have trampled on liberty and ultimately killed their citizens, frankly, you aren't worth it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You line up on the side of lunatics who talk about killing police officers and blowing up their families with bombs. You've just described a certain niche of the music industry, which by-the-way, is still producing 'music' with lyrics that say exactly that. Those musicians aren't being sought out and locked-up except on the random occasion when a s/he, et al., is caught with an illicit substance or an illegal gun. That's who you are. Not quite. BTW, there are many who believe liberal lawyers have caused much more damage to society than any group of separatists-clowns wearing fatigues could begin to cause. Be proud. Certainly! Having served for over two decades in uniform protecting the Constitution, it's a natural attribute.

On the other hand, you have just casually dismissed the acts of a government over-reaching its authority and abrogating the rights of U.S. citizens when it did so. Furthermore, the court has dismissed all of the charges against five of the seven who were illegally incarcerated -- without bond -- for two years. Y
et you persist still in labeling those 'innocents' as 'criminals'. Originally Posted by timpage
That's right, these evil folks talked about stuff so their dangerous, Ayers and company killed people but their liberal heroes along with their bud Obumer. Hey, as long as it's legal, right Tim? I won't bore you with the list of "legal" ways governments have trampled on liberty and ultimately killed their citizens, frankly, you aren't worth it. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Nice try to veer out of the lane but let's stay on point and not talk about some shit that Bill Ayers (who has absolutely nothing to do with this) may or may not have done 50 years ago. As for your offer of stories about government oppression....again, no thanks, not my point nor do I deny happens.

Let's talk about you espousing the rights of folks whose stated agenda is to kill cops and blow up their family with bombs. Aren't you proud? Showed that evil old government up, eh? What a fine group of individuals to stand as your symbol against the Obama government.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But not difficult at all to understand you lining up with the cretins who want to take down the government. Originally Posted by timpage
Not wanting to "take down" the government. We want to restore constitutional government.