Mountain Cedar Allergies

  • Glr
  • 02-05-2010, 06:37 AM
Anyone else suffering from Mountain Cedar (cedar fever)? I take an allergy pill everyday and even went to the doctor on Tuesday and got a shot but it was of no help.
mrod's Avatar
  • mrod
  • 02-05-2010, 07:59 AM
i am allergic to almost all trees and grass. year round... it sucks... the best thing i have gotten on would be rhinocort.. its not an allergy med .. its a steroid for nasal passages it helps a lot with the symptoms... i only really use allergy meds on bad days... ask the doc...
  • Glr
  • 02-05-2010, 09:59 AM
Thanks. I'll see if I can get my doc to prescribe it.
The only thing that worked for my severe, year-round allergies were allergy shots. It's expensive, takes a long time, and is a pain in the butt (er, arm) to schedule sometimes, but damn do they work.

I get the sneezes every now and then when pollen/spore counts are very high, but I'd say my allergies are 90-95% resolved, and my last injection was over ten years ago.
berkleigh's Avatar
I am suffeing as we speak from being on tour from dallas to austin....its awful!
Iaintliein's Avatar
My lifelong allergies have been much improved since adding daily Coleus Forskohlii to my supplement list, take only after eating though. It isn't a quick fix but seems to help with regular use.
Some articles here:
bigmarv's Avatar
I agree Rhinocort Aqua worked magic for my seasonal allergies.
  • Glr
  • 02-05-2010, 01:51 PM
Thanks for all of the great information. Cedar fever is at an all time high thus year in central and south Texas.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Anyone else suffering from Mountain Cedar (cedar fever)? I take an allergy pill everyday and even went to the doctor on Tuesday and got a shot but it was of no help. Originally Posted by Glr
The shots that work are a long-term treatment. They take months to start working, and years to completely work. However, if they work for you, you are basically cured after a few years. You may be able to stop taking the shots.

If you do it, find a doctor who will allow you to take the medicine home inject yourself, instead of coming into the office. He'll probably require you to come into the office at the times when he increases your dose, but you should be able to inject yourself once you have done the dosage change.

In my opinion, any doctor who won't let you inject yourself at home is a scam artist.

This "immunotherapy" is for specific allergens. If you get immunotherapy for cedar fever in Dallas, it may not work for your Douglas fir allergy if you move to Oregon.
I have tried many allergy medications, both prescription and OTC. The thing that works for me (not everybody) is acai. Yes, that wonderberry from Brazil that is all the rage, except that I have been using it for about 9 years. I use the frozen packet and either make a smoothie or eat it like a popsicle if I'm feeling bad. It definitely lessens the impact of "cedar fever", can't hurt.