random search...need assistance from the veterans

I am probably completely out of left field on this one but I figured if there was any place to ask this would be it.

I am looking for a provider who has worked at and/or can furnish a Hooters, Twin Peaks, Bone Daddy's outfit for our date.

Long story short I spend most of my companies money closing deals at these places than anywhere else and it is just a damn shame I can't take one of these girls home after lunch.

any suggestions, referrals to certain providers?

I certainly can't be the first....and I am willing to bet this is tame by most of your standards. There seem to be some wise Sensei's here and I am just a lowly grasshopper.
Peanut's Avatar
I dont think you would want a hooters girl anyway...they have more drama than any group I have dealt with. All the ones I dealt with had jealous SOs or uncaring SOs.

One of the girl's boyfriend she lived with made her sleep on the floor (when they wasnt having sex), she wasnt allowed to have a key to the apartment. Also she owned the car before she hooked up with him; he would keep the car and was always about 45 mins late picking her up). She was made to pay half the rent, her bf and roommate split the other half.

I felt bad for her and tried to give her Fatherly advice as to what she should/needed to do...She didnt listen, I changed jobs, so I dont know what ever happened to her.

Then you had the usual SO drama.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
You should post this in the Requests and ISOs section...

Hooters sells their flimsy tops; maybe one of the ladies would go buy one to help you live out your fantasy...
Just buy the flimsy Hooters top next time you close a big deal & take it with you to your session. I am sure she will put it on & fullfill the roleplay fantasy. I guarantee guys have asked her to do things far stranger.