Wedding Rings and Strip Clubs

Ive got some buddies coming to town for a visit ad unlike the good ol bachelor days of past (some have taken the plunge of matrimonial bliss <--insert sarcasm).

So what is the golden rule for a married man going into a strip club? Just wear the ring and have fun or remove the ring?

I enjoy the extras to be had and dont want my friends rings "cock blocking"
Slotgoop's Avatar
A ring in no way is going to defer or alter what you may or may not get from a stripper. It's a one night business deal, not an ongoing relationship. They care about what's in your wallet, not what's on your finger.
derek303's Avatar
I always found women in general more receptive when I had a ring that when I didn't. Strippers could care less.
I don't think it matters one way or the other.. Like Derek said, they are just after your money....
thank you gentlemen. I figured it didnt matter either.....but always good to get a second opinion.

any suggestions for the best spots to get some extras? during the day shift?
I've seen them amused by the tan line on one guy or another on more than one occasion though.
  • Vyt
  • 03-03-2011, 12:10 PM
Are you seriously expecting a stripper to render a moral judgement on you or something? "Oh, I'm not going to rub my ass on your erection through your pants for $20, you're in a committed relationship already." 3/4 of the guys there are going to be wearing rings, probably 99% of the older ones (everyone except the really creepy one that stands by the stage all night and drools). Go have fun, don't sweat it.

As to where to go for extras during the day, it really depends on what you're looking for, who you're looking for it from, and how good you are at negotiating. Check the strip club forum for lots of threads on the subject.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
For the most part, it won't make a difference. Even less if the rings you're talking about are on buddies' fingers, not yours.

@Vyt, would you be surprised at any moral judgment passed by a stripper? LOL Especially the ones that exclaim that they're not whores, but if you're compensating them to take a day off work to spend time with you...that's OK. I've seen some strange moral manipulations by strippers to rationalize whatever needs to be done, and I've seen some pretty judgmental strippers.
LuvThatKitty's Avatar
I've seen them amused by the tan line on one guy or another on more than one occasion though. Originally Posted by irishlad

I agree! Just wear the ring and don't worry about it.
screwey's Avatar
(everyone except the really creepy one that stands by the stage all night and drools). Originally Posted by Vyt

Hey man, I'm married too... Like creepy drooly guys cant catch women...

Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

Sounds like a great title for an Aerosmith album.

Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
I don't think it matters one way or the other.. Like Derek said, they are just after your money.... Originally Posted by casetractorman
Check the strip club forum for lots of threads on the subject. Originally Posted by Vyt
DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! We have a winner!! Here's the correct forum for SC topics:

Have fun w/ that!
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Is this an incorrect forum for SC discussions?
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Seems logical since it's got it's own section labeled clearly for that purpose. ???
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Seems illogical since this section excludes nothing about SCs nor is it designated Independent discussions only.