I'm back!! and my phone is fixed too

Guest092815's Avatar
Rumors of my departure are simply not true. I took a brief hiatus, to get myself and my life organized.

I'm well-rested, healthy, and my phone is working properly again:

I am behind in emails/PMs, but I will try to answer them all by tomorrow.

I'm not involved in any strange goings-on or outings, I was trying to avoid flu and just take care of stuff at home. I didn't mean to bee off for about ten days, but I feel like a brand-new woman! And, I look better than before. I'm still at 110# and eating healthy. *(grin)* I feel like bit like a debutante... hee hee.

I haven't forgotten any of my friends here. All is well.

Peace and love,
missi hart's Avatar
welcome back!
Bbbjfan's Avatar
Glad to see your doing well!

Queen Bee.
Glad you are back in communication.
I will email in a couple of days when you get you stuff together.
Hugs and Licks
levibob56's Avatar
Hey baby I missed you!!!
Guest092815's Avatar
Aww, thanks so much, y'all!

peace and LOVE,
Hey Sweet lady Glad to see ur back! Glad ur ok
Guest031411-2's Avatar
Welcome back kitty....how could you possibly have improved on perfection?? LOL
czechman#1's Avatar
Hi Crystal...send me a PM...please