New Season Of True Blood

Gryphon's Avatar
I just finished watching the second episode of the new season of True Blood on HBO. This show has become one of my guilty pleasures. The acting is superb and the writing is much better than the books. It's like the book gives a bare-bones melody and the TV scriptwriters riff of it like a great jazz band improvising. But I'm so glad Sookie finally started carrying--after almost getting killed a few times you'd think she would have gotten a gun (and some silver bullets) sooner.

Any other fangbangers out there?
Trying to watch the replay of this evening's episode right now...My cable is having issues, though
I love the show...I actually didn't watch the first two seasons till I discovered them on my HBO on demand...and I watched the first two seasons in about one week!
Kinda sucks now having to wait week to week

I fell in love with it the first episode. Love Eric!
Danny117's Avatar
OMG OMG OMG I lOVE TRUE's more addictive than....use your imagination. I just hope the third season will not fade out like Six Feet Under and all the other Greats on HBO.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 06-21-2010, 05:33 PM
Is that like the vampire/werewolf movies? Haven't seen any of them and have no plans on watching them. My impression is that vampires are the newest fad for teenie boppers.

I fell in love with it the first episode. Love Eric! Originally Posted by MsElena
Eric is yummy.
I've read all the books and watched all the episodes. I thought it would be stupid, but I've gotten addicted to it.
I don't like how they've changed it all around from the books though. They should have kept more to the storyline.
Another good vampire/werewolf series is Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter books. They're VERY racy.
Gryphon's Avatar
Eric is yummy.
I've read all the books and watched all the episodes. I thought it would be stupid, but I've gotten addicted to it.
I don't like how they've changed it all around from the books though. They should have kept more to the storyline.
Another good vampire/werewolf series is Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter books. They're VERY racy. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
I actually like the series better than the books; it's like every character and subplot has more loving attention devoted to it. Jessica, the Magister, the Maenad taking over Sookie's house, Tara and Lafayette being major characters, Jason's never ending search for a cause--great stuff!

And I was a fan of Anita Blake long before I ever got into True Blood! Sookie is a nice girl, but Anita is a steaming hot badass!
Eric is yummy.
I've read all the books and watched all the episodes. I thought it would be stupid, but I've gotten addicted to it.
I don't like how they've changed it all around from the books though. They should have kept more to the storyline.
Another good vampire/werewolf series is Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter books. They're VERY racy. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
I have several of Laurell K's books...very easy reading...She can really paint a mental picture. and She just keeps them coming.
Good suggestion for those who aren't familiar!
TexRich's Avatar
Snoop Dogg's music video of his song about Sookie was bad ass!
Anon3x's Avatar
Speaking of yummy, Rachel Evan Wood. God she's hott!!! And I don't even like redheads. Long live the Queen. Sookie is annoying btw.
Speaking of yummy, Rachel Evan Wood. God she's hott!!! And I don't even like redheads. Long live the Queen. Sookie is annoying btw. Originally Posted by Anon3x
lol well, Rachel Evan Wood...I could not an exception, when it comes to the redhead thing. but Hair dye can go a long way.
She does look hot, though...when she pops those fangs out...sooooo take charge
I believe I am a vampire, so I greatly enjoy True Blood! I also believe that I cannot die...

I have read the book series. But I like the hbo serious better. I think they just enhanced the storyline a little more.

I love Anita Blake series. I just bought Bullet and haven't gotten a chance to read it yet, but I will soon! My fav's are Jean Claude, Micah and Nathaniel.
Was there a new episode last night, anyone?
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 07-05-2010, 10:46 AM
There should of been, and they usually rerun it on Monday nights and a few others during the week. What a kick ass show.