Where's the Outrage?

wellendowed1911's Avatar
ok 2 days ago Key Republican figures blocked a bill that would have extended unemployment benefits to some 1 million out of work Americans. The republicans stated that they voted NO because the moneyfor the extension would have went to the defecit. I just think that was total bullshit- if they cared so much about money going to the defecit then we would have never invaded Iraq nor would we have Medicare Part D since those both went right to the defecit.
It's amazing how some of these GOP politicains wanted to extend the Bush tax cuts to the richest 1 to 2 % but can't muster enough nads to extend benefits to many Americans who are unemployed directly or indirectly to policies by the Bush Administration. Just my 2 cents. Go USA Soccer!!!!
I'm outraged!!!! I'm outraged that Cheaper only got 5 votes in that poll. It should have been much more.
dirty dog's Avatar
First of all you are only speaking that the GOP blocked the bill serveral key democrats voted against it as well, how come you never point that out.

This issue was discussed in a previous thread started by Catnipper
john_galt's Avatar
Well I have to agree dirtydog. The democrats have the votes in both houses. ANYTIME they can not pass something it is a failure on their part. Since I haven't read the whole bill (does that qualify me for Congress) I can't say why they voted it down but I do remember last week a bunch dems going on TV saying we can't spend anymore. What part of "don't spend" don't they understand.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
First of all you are only speaking that the GOP blocked the bill serveral key democrats voted against it as well, how come you never point that out.

This issue was discussed in a previous thread started by Catnipper Originally Posted by dirty dog
Sorry missed the earlier thread but DD please don't distort the truth- the majority who voted YES were DEMS and the overwhelming majority that voted NO were REPUBS and that is a fact.
dirty dog's Avatar
Your statement is misleading, you said the republicans blocked the bill, this implies that it was fully supported by the Dems, the truth is it was not or it would have passed. So dont accuse me of distorting the truth,

"the majority who voted YES were DEMS and the overwhelming majority that voted NO were REPUBS and that is a fact. "

This is a true statment but this is not what you said.

"Key Republican figures blocked a bill that would have extended unemployment benefits to some 1 million out of work Americans"

This is not a true statement because unless your saying all rep are key then it begins inaccurately, then you infer that the only objection was with the rep when in fact several dem's voted no, had they voted yes it would have passed.

You want to talk about distorting the truth, give me a break
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Sorry missed the earlier thread but DD please don't distort the truth- the majority who voted YES were DEMS and the overwhelming majority that voted NO were REPUBS and that is a fact. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The fact is if the conservative Democrats would have voted for the bill, it would have passed, barring a GOP filibuster (which someone on this thread forgot about when stating that anytime a bill is not passed, it is a failure on the part of the Dems... who could that be??? Hmmmm).
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Your statement is misleading, you said the republicans blocked the bill, this implies that it was fully supported by the Dems, the truth is it was not or it would have passed. So dont accuse me of distorting the truth,

"the majority who voted YES were DEMS and the overwhelming majority that voted NO were REPUBS and that is a fact. "

This is a true statment but this is not what you said.

"Key Republican figures blocked a bill that would have extended unemployment benefits to some 1 million out of work Americans"

This is not a true statement because unless your saying all rep are key then it begins inaccurately, then you infer that the only objection was with the rep when in fact several dem's voted no, had they voted yes it would have passed.

You want to talk about distorting the truth, give me a break Originally Posted by dirty dog
The Bill died 51-47-3 votes short- of the 47 NO votes- 41 of them were cast by Republicans- that's 87% of the total votes coming from the REPUBS and the remaining 13% being DEMS. If by your math 87% is not a significant number for me to state that it's the REPUBS that blocked the bill from passing then DD something is perhaps wrong with the way you do your math. There was nothing misleading about my stating- yes key Republicans a whooping 87% of the NO votes are responsible for the bill not passing- it's pure fact!
kcbigpapa's Avatar
The Bill died 51-47-3 votes short- of the 47 NO votes- 41 of them were cast by Republicans- that's 87% of the total votes coming from the REPUBS and the remaining 13% being DEMS. If by your math 87% is not a significant number for me to state that it's the REPUBS that blocked the bill from passing then DD something is perhaps wrong with the way you do your math. There was nothing misleading about my stating- yes key Republicans a whooping 87% of the NO votes are responsible for the bill not passing- it's pure fact! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

WE, the only thing that is pure fact is that 87% of the "nay" votes were GOP. But to say they are responsible is to discount the Dems that voted "nay." Failing to blame the 6 non-GOP members as reasons for the bill failing is misleading and irresponsible. The failure is at the hands of Reid as he cannot keep his Senate in order. Same goes for Pelosi in the House.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
WE, the only thing that is pure fact is that 87% of the "nay" votes were GOP. But to say they are responsible is to discount the Dems that voted "nay." Failing to blame the 6 non-GOP members as reasons for the bill failing is misleading and irresponsible. The failure is at the hands of Reid as he cannot keep his Senate in order. Same goes for Pelosi in the House. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
What part of my post are you not getting? If 41 of the 47 NO's were GOP doesn't that mean the overwhelmingly majority of the NO's were GOP???? How does 6 DEMS voting NO is equal to 46 REPUBS saying NO? Are each one of those 6 DEMS who voted NO does their vote weigh more than the 46 who voted NO? The REPUBS voted NO on the bill by a margin of 7 to 1- whom are you kidding???
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 06-27-2010, 12:56 PM
To all involved......don't let this get personal!
WE, the point is, and the one thing that makes your statement irresponsible (just like the main-stream-media) is that any legislation that the Dems want to pass can pass if they keep their majority together. The fact that the GOP were able to keep their votes together (thank goodness) is that they have a singular purpose in mind of defeating irresponsible legislation proposed by the Bamster and his cronies. The fact that you don't like it puts you in the same boat as those of us who did not like the health-insurance reform bill or the bail out of the banks or auto companies and the tactics used by the Dems to get those passed.

I could put a similar headline that reads: "Defeat of Unemployment Benefits Caused By Six Democratic Senators" with text in the story that reads: "(AP) Due to a failure of Majority Leader Harry Reid to hold his majority together, six conservative Democratic Senators voted with the entire Republican minority against cloture on a bill that would have extended unemployment benefits. Two Democratic Senators abstained from voting."

BTW - The vote was actually NINE votes short, because if the bill was up for actual passage, the bill would have passed. In my world, where 2 + 2 = 4, 51 votes is a majority. The vote you cite was for cloture, that is, to close debate on a bill so it can come to a full floor vote - this requires 60 votes for cloture.

Please get your facts straight the next time you decide to rant.
dirty dog's Avatar
If you cant understand how your statement that the Republicans stopped the bill is wrong, then its worthless to even discuss it. As has been said several times several different ways. Your statement implies that ALL democrats supported the bill, therefore the reason it failed was that the Republicans voted no. The fact is, the republicans all voted no, and it required no votes from Democrats to kill the bill. You cant say that the reublicans killed the bill if 100% of the Dems did not vote yes. You cant just blame the party you dont like and ignore the members of your party that you do. Its called coloring the facts, skewing the facts, its a typical political trick and one both partys use as well as the media. Its unfair and inaccurate. This is my last comment on this thread, we can agree to disagree, however I might point out that some people who are not conservative Reps agree with my statement. Peace.
Bartman1963's Avatar
The people on Unemployment got hosed. The blame should be squarely placed where it belongs. On Omahan. He's gone so he can't complain. DD care to second that nomination?
dirty dog's Avatar
Naw lets blame COG, Omahans a good guy. They did get hosed, I will certainly say that. My personal belief is that we should divert some unspent stimulas money or make a cut in the pork somewhere. I agree with both sides, they should get the money, but we shouldnt increase the debt to do it. Damn I am a hard bastard to please LOL.