Political opinion on Troy Aikmans comment about apparal

oilfieldace's Avatar
Was his comment offensive to you or an accurate description of the NFL QB sitiuation?.

I am not a Troy Aikman fan but he never wore a skirt on the football field
winn dixie's Avatar
wokeness gone to far

Tune in to a football game and you should be able to speak locker room normal talk
Go to a drag queen event. Youre gonna see gay stuff.
Agree with Winn on this one
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Aikman’s comments stolen from the great Jack Lambert. Back then people were normal and his statement was laughed at, as it should be.

winn dixie's Avatar

HedonistForever's Avatar
Disney Exec's probably told him to publicly apologize, which he did or pack your bags because we can't take the heat from a couple of people on Twitter demanding that you be punished so we are going to give you a break, a chance to apologize for your un-feeling, hurtful comments aimed at quarterbacks that want to wear a dress.

Hell, I thought that was OK now?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
It was not offensive to me. But, of course, I'm used to coarse and offensive language. Saying an athlete wears a dress because he's too weak to handle a take-down is not toxicity. It's a fuckin' joke.

Guys at the bar to watch tonight's game were talking and this name came up.


Just imagine!?


Oh, well. Preview shows I can't "display" on this site. Rules. Fuck 'em!
I wonder if there would have been as much comment if he had instead said they were a bunch of pussies.