Joe “Antoinette” Biden……..”Let them eat ice creame”

This clip will be part of every Republican Campaign ad from now to the Mid Terms.

I guess this stupid old piece of shit thinks through the roof inflation is the mark of a great economy.

Then he just flat out lies when he says the Worlds inflation is worst.

The truth is, the majority of First World Countries have inflation rates that are substantially lower than the US.

Our President. Old, senile, stupid, pathetic, lying corrupt piece of shit.

Here is an impromptu poll……How many of you, when you see this moron on TV, want to slap the shit out of him.
oilfieldace's Avatar
I am his age, and yes I do want to take him to the woodshed
oilfieldace's Avatar
He is a disgrace to the office and the USA!
I am his age, and yes I do want to take him to the woodshed Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I will be 76 soon, I’m with you.
HedonistForever's Avatar
75 next month and as you can see, brilliant as ever but I would never beat up an imbecile.

But if there is one thing we have firmly established here, it is that Biden can lie every bit as much as Trump, maybe more and it doesn't matter one bit to Democrats. I think they have a word for that.
Precious_b's Avatar