Is it ok to bring your own condom when seeing a provider?

My ATF is an all around dream but the condoms she uses are like trash bags and it makes me want to not even go. Is it taboo to bring your own? If she wasn't with an agency I would just PM her and ask but asking may be taboo too. What do you think providers?
Cpalmson's Avatar
From a guy's perspective, always take your own covers. I learned this lesson the hard way. Had a date with a well respected and reviewed provider. She was at the end of a long multi-city tour. She misplaced her condom supply and didn't have any available for when we met. Got 3 BBBJs out of the experience but still missed out on the main event. I don't think any provider would mind.
pyramider's Avatar
Actually the ladies are quite sensitive on this subject. Thinck about it ... Some ladies might be sensitive to latex or some types of condoms. Also, condoms have a shelf life. Plus, the ladies usually want to be sure the condom has not been tampered with, ie, holes poked in it.
Actually, it is better to tell her that you prefer a thinner condom and would appreciate it if she would bring some (I recommend both gray Trojan flavors). Many providers will NOT use your condoms because some assholes do things like poke little holes in them. We depend on condoms to keep us safe and baby-free and are also a LOT more likely to be aware of the age and general condition of the condoms.
If she gets pissy if you ask for thinner really your atf?
geecue's Avatar
Always bring my own, allergic to latex alot of the ladies do not carry the non-latex.
bojulay's Avatar
I always bring my own new box of condoms and my own toys.
I use the extra condoms as covers for the toys.
You always want to do that.

Unless the girl insists on using her own, then, oh well.

I know, naughty guy is I.
I always bring my own. Some may be a little weary at first but if it's someone you've seen in the past it will likely not be an issue.
Always bring my own, allergic to latex alot of the ladies do not carry the non-latex. Originally Posted by geecue

Something you should mention when booking. "By the way, I have a latex allergy."
gimme_that's Avatar
I always bring my own. Mostly bwcause a lot of ladies dont carry magnums, and I like the piece of mind knowing I have taken all precautions to protect myself. I usually buy two boxes and wont open it until she arrives.

Everytime I change into a different sexual position I sometimes change them because I tend to cum a lot in between bells. So that Im not heavily reliant on her supply I always bring my own.

I also bring or offer to bring her desired lube as well. Because if shes using it......or rubbing it anywhere near me I want the bottle to be fresh and just opened.....not a universal big tube for every client.
My ATF has a menu so open I am even leary of participating in everything, so maybe I shouldn't be so worried.
LaStang's Avatar
i have to bring my own , ladies dont carry the " finger cot " size with them
I prefer to use my own but as stated here - some guys are allergic to latex so I usually just buy a bunch of different kinds to please everyone.
I always keep a variety on deck just in case
Still Looking's Avatar
When you book your appointment request they have BRAND X, and then bring your own just in case. They have their rules you should have yours. If that don't work for THEM or HER time to move on to greener pastures!

Oh and WD-40 is NOT a lubricant for hobbying!
I appreciate when guys being a new, unopened box. When it comes to condoms, one size does not fit all. Rather double safe than sorry!