So few providers

Why are there so few providers on ECCIE servicing Pittsburgh? Is it because business is slow?
There are not that many ladies on Eccie from PIttsburgh, they all hang out at another site..
I was wondering about that....Pittsburgh reminds me of Colorado Springs where the ladies there also hang out at another site.

Do you mind telling me the "other" site. : )
I also hear providers reference Indy's a lot on here and have been clueless. Usually Indy is short for independent rather than agency. hmmm maybe Indy is the other site?
thecaptainpgh's Avatar
You just might be on to something!
haha. call me inspector clueso
Holy crap batman! I just found the pussy treasure chest!!!

How weird the ladies here aren't using ECCIE instead. I love this site.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Patience young grasshopper, they will come
I cant say the name, it will be construed as me being angry and unable to work.. lol
Don't get angry ma'am! A mad woman is never a good thing. Do you ever play the violin during your sessions?
lol,, I will play you a tune if you need me to,,naked?
Really? SWEET! I love people with musical talents especially a beautiful woman with musical talents!!
Back in the Victorian era it was considered a treat and knowledge that a lady should know how to play an instrument to be considered a true and proper socialite. To entertain her suitors.This also determined that she might be educated and considered for marriage.

Gheisha's often had to learn an instrument and a dance to be considered talented at their craft.

Ms Charlotte, you are a romantic at heart. Mixing end of the 19th century Victorian period w/Eastern Japanese traditions is at the very least intriguing.

Social status in both societies mentioned proved crucial to social survival.

What music do you perform?
The theme from "deliverance"!!

Classic and I do play the Saxophone as well.. I like Jazz

Not quite as accomplished as I would like.

I have a niece that used to play with me when we both started, she went on to play with the Phoenix Symphony. I didnt have the dedication for that. I wished I had!