How does a demoncRAT look when they're lying...

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They answer questions that weren't even asked.

Pathetic! They're all nervous as shit. The jig is up. Their time is coming and they know it.
Ben shoulda poured himself another glass o' whine....errrrr, wine and tried to relax a little more.

Oh, well...maybe he'll get a nice cell next to the Two Michaels (Cohen & Avenatti)….
It is going to mirror Watergate in so far as the obstruction and cover-up on their part is going to be their downfall...and the crime that let to it will be the icing on the cake.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well the old saying """If there mouth is moving then there lying"""
Watergate is, in a manner of speaking, trumped up as being the
gauge against which all "scandals" are measured

I dare say many worse dirty trucks have occurred in politics

and many as bad cover ups and lies have been told by government and politicians, for example the cover ups in the Obama administration rivals and outdoes anything in watergate

what Watergate had and what the Russian collusion story had in common is one thing:

the dimocrats and their news media in alliance, each congratulating each other for their valor and daring and intrepidness in saving the nation as only they could

What Watergate and the Russian collusion story didn't have in common is:

1. no underlying crime and no cover up, and

2. an alternative news media keeping All things honest

and now the truth will be found out