The one morning I wake up early ...and find an excuse to get out of meeting a hot guy at Hotel Derek last night...

Was to meet someone I thought sounded like a lot of fun, and
I'm glad I didn't brush my hair if.

If your reading this 🖕.

( I even had a wake - up call.😩😠🤢🤧.)
I'm not posting any hoping maybe "He" has a good reason to have no show.

Neville’s Haze's Avatar
Hotel Derek is a great reason not to go.
They cooperate.
Elevator that goes up requires card.
Parking sucks.

On another note, how difficult do you think it would be for LE to match your real name to the registry (w/ face pic) at the Hotel Derek last night?
I am not worried about LE..Im only providing my cheerful company lol and the thread was about being awake now and being woken up early because I was excited about meeting a morning person for breakfast..and conversation.
Maybe watch a movie.

The Gentleman last night had the room already..Ive visited guests there and have been a guest there and no problems whatsoever, except no balcony like my other favorite hotels have for leaning over the balcony fun..i would post a photo ..but I think you get the

Where's Pussville......pussville��gros s?!
Neville’s Haze's Avatar
Oh damn... a no show on an outcall. That’s uncalled for!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Give him a break sweetie...I remember an old school OG with a Jerry curl back in the pre cell phones days told me a story about how he once caught Diarrhea just before a hot date was to arrive. He was shitting up a storm and spraying deodorizer all throughout the house. He heard a tap on the door and he barely cracked it open...and said (in his Issac Hayes voice) "baby baby...I'm sick" can we do this another time.

Give him another chance. Call him.