Strip club

LSU FAN's Avatar
A doctor, a lawyer, an a roughneck walk into a strip club. All three go sit by the runway. Stripper comes out dances around the stage comes over to the three gentelmen, the lawyer pulls out a fifty an sticks it in her g-string. She goes to the pole slides up an down. She comes back to the gentelmen the doctor not to be out done pulls out a hundred an sticks it in her g-string. She dances around the stage" while the roughneck is thinking o shit what am I gonna do if she comes back over here I am gonna look like a fool tipping her with a one." sure enough here she comes she turns around shaking her ass in the roughnecks face! He is quick on his feet an pulls out his ATM card swipes it in the crack of her ass am takes the hundred an fifty bucks!
A doctor, a lawyer, an a roughneck walk into a strip club. All three go sit by the runway. Stripper comes out dances around the stage comes over to the three gentelmen, the lawyer pulls out a fifty an sticks it in her g-string. She goes to the pole slides up an down. She comes back to the gentelmen the doctor not to be out done pulls out a hundred an sticks it in her g-string. She dances around the stage" while the roughneck is thinking o shit what am I gonna do if she comes back over here I am gonna look like a fool tipping her with a one." sure enough here she comes she turns around shaking her ass in the roughnecks face! He is quick on his feet an pulls out his ATM card swipes it in the crack of her ass am takes the hundred an fifty bucks! Originally Posted by LSU FAN
lmfao good one
DallasRain's Avatar
rotflmao==awesome one!
eccietime's Avatar
Now that's a smart roughneck!!!

:r oll1:
tia travels's Avatar
I'll say!
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Lawyer and Doctor- 0