Ideas on How-To Withdraw cash without Spouse Knowing

  • Kroy
  • 03-09-2011, 07:38 PM
Lets hear some of your great ideas.

1) Such as withdraw small amounts a little at a time.
Buy giftcards with a credit card.... Avoid joint accounts all together
Whispers's Avatar
Lets hear some of your great ideas. Originally Posted by Kroy
Go home complaining about getting a ticket and having to pay the fine as well as take defensive driving to get rid of it....

Ask her to pick you up two money orders.... One for $40 for Defensive Driving and the other for $226 for the Fine....

Bitch moan and complain about the injustice of it all....

Then cash the money orders and spend the time Tues/Thurs playing instead of going to defensive driving
guest031812's Avatar
The best way some of my clients have told me is that anytime they buy something anywhere they will get "cash back" like at walmart, walgreens, gas stations, alot of places do cash back now days.. that way the purchase in on your card as the full amount but only shows you spent it where you got your "cash back". Example.. say you spend 19.50 and get 60.00 cash back 79.50 will be charged to your card but you will still have the 60.00 to spend do it a few places and you got a full session without any weird huge ATM with-drawls.
  • Vyt
  • 03-09-2011, 07:47 PM
"I take out $300 at a time to save on ATM fees."
Withdraw a little at a time over a period of months and stash it away.
Whispers's Avatar
Go to the County Clerks Office and register a DBA with your name JOHNSMITHRETIREMENTACCOUNT and open a 2nd checking account with that at another bank and once a month write yourself a check.

Or any charitible type name.....
Purchase (At a great deal) something needed in cash. Withdraw more than needed. Create an extra receipt. One for the actual purchase price/tax records. The other showing the inflated item cost (Full withdrawal amount) for the wifey. Any scanner and edit program can handle this. That will put some extra cash in your pocket.

If you have to pay out taxes each year as a self employed and file separately (Not requiring her sig. on your form) and you handle all the book work. Guess what? You simply had to pay out $1,000 more this year than last.

God what a sneaky bunch.
  • Kroy
  • 03-09-2011, 08:09 PM
Great ideas! Whispers gets extra credit for being funny.
Nightcrawler29's Avatar
Say that you are investing on the stock market, and then complain about how you lost it all!! Or how about opening a separate hobby account?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you REALLY asking this question brother?


Start with -- Training the wife so she doesn't need to know WTF you're doing with your money.

I've been hobbying for longer than I've been married...but only by a couple of years. There's no real secret to it. I let her handle all the finances.

And I spend what I need when I need to. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. NO ANSWERS GIVEN. Being properly obtuse is completely easier to swallow than gift cards at Wal-Mart, cash back from Shell or winning the damned scratch offs. If she's dumb enough to fall for dumb lies, then you really don't need to be asking questions like this. If she's smart enough not to fall for the stupid lies, offer none.

The topic has really never come up around the Rider household. Unbelievably, after nearly 35 years!

Somewhere around the junction of "WHAT IS THIS ON THE BANK STATEMENT?" and "UH, I EARN ALL THE MONEY, DON'T I?" I grew a pair.

Still gotta be careful and respectful.

Or die...
Whispers's Avatar
Great ideas! Whispers gets extra credit for being funny. Originally Posted by Kroy


Those were legitimate proven methods.....
I'm with MM - avoid joint accounts. Duh... Otherwise, withdraw the max at your ATM and make it last - tell your SO that's how you roll...
mastermind238's Avatar
All great ideas so far (well, mostly, except for the ones intended to hasten your divorce).

But just a word on the pre-paid gift cards. I like them because at some stores you can still buy them with a regular credit card. If you spend $115 at HEB and most of it is for a $100 Visa gift card, a month later when the credit card bill comes the spouse won't question a grocery purchase that far in the past. Now, if your spouse requires you to keep old supermarket receipts so she can match them up with credit card statements ... there's no hope for you except divorce.

There are some downsides to pre-paid gift cards ... 1) some stores (e.g., Randall's) now require purchase with cash or debit cards ONLY, no credit cards, which means the cash still comes out of an account the spouse has access to and it shows up immediately, 2) fees are kinda high - 2 $100 cards will cost about $212, and 3) many providers just won't take them, even though they can easily verify their value with a call to a toll-free number.

Making numerous debit card purchases over a period of time, with a small amount of cash back each time, is probably the best way.
rCoder's Avatar
Over time, get in the habit of always using cash for purchases. When you've learned how to manage your normal necessity and entertainment from your wallet, just start hobbying from your wallet, you'll adapt, she want see any pattern changes (except that you smile more).