threaten with bad review

Recently I was in fbms session with a provider I have been seeing regularly. She has plenty of regulars but agreed to see a new guy. She told me the guy was very aggressive and keep saying ," I'm on eccie I will give you a bad review. She does not do fs but offers special treatment for those she trust. Well she finished the session, didn't get what he want then posted a negative review. This forum is not for revenge or threats to get what you want. Personal I always treat providers with respect and like a lady. It is amazing the benefits you reap by building trust and not demanding.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Unfortunately there are a lot of jerks and misogynists that think just because they pay for it that they can treat the lady like crap. Being they are whores and are no longer people.

Unfortunately there are a lot of jerks and misogynists that think just because they pay for it that they can treat the lady like crap. Being they are whores and are no longer people.

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly

Oddly enough for whatever reason I've never viewed providers as whores. Just ladies who sell sex. Of course I've never hit the streets either.

Technically anyone could prove me wrong but that's just my perception. I would never book time with a whore however I will pay for a sexy female.
What's even funnier is a few of my intelligent RW provider friends refer to themselves as whores.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Oddly enough for whatever reason I've never viewed providers as whores. Just ladies who sell sex. Of course I've never hit the streets either.

Technically anyone could prove me wrong but that's just my perception. I would never book time with a whore however I will pay for a sexy female.
What's even funnier is a few of my intelligent RW provider friends refer to themselves as whores. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
Just to be clear, the jerks and misogyinist, think they are whores, not me!

Yes I clearly understood that. There are times I will agree with you if that's OK lol.
It’s a shame that the Mods are not allowed to appoint a posse or a little "tune up committee" to politely counsel misguided clients who are not respectful........ I value and appreciate all of OUR providers and am wise enough to understand that a few bad apples can fuck it all up it, negatively impacting all of us grateful and respectful clients as well. So yes, I guess I'm White Knighting ALL OF OUR PROVIDERS! So be it.

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Nothing wrong with a WK, this place needs more of them.

Goddammit! Another one of you calling me a girl..... And I know you edited it Windy!

"Nothing wrong with a WK, this place needs more of them go Brienne of Tarth."


Iron Butterfly's Avatar
It was to tempting.

It’s a shame that the Mods are not allowed to appoint a posse or a little "tune up committee" to politely counsel misguided clients who are not respectful........ I value and appreciate all of OUR providers and am wise enough to understand that a few bad apples can fuck it all up it, negatively impacting all of us grateful and respectful clients as well. So yes, I guess I'm White Knighting ALL OF OUR PROVIDERS! So be it.

-Nilla Originally Posted by PlainVanillaATX
Code Red might be needed.
sixxbach's Avatar
It’s a shame that the Mods are not allowed to appoint a posse or a little "tune up committee" to politely counsel misguided clients who are not respectful........ I value and appreciate all of OUR providers and am wise enough to understand that a few bad apples can fuck it all up it, negatively impacting all of us grateful and respectful clients as well. So yes, I guess I'm White Knighting ALL OF OUR PROVIDERS! So be it.

-Nilla Originally Posted by PlainVanillaATX
It's not cool to be disrespectful, but always remember there are two sides to every story. Very rarely will someone fess up their side or part in matters.

Goddammit! Another one of you calling me a girl..... And I know you edited it Windy!

"Nothing wrong with a WK, this place needs more of them go Brienne of Tarth."


-Nilla Originally Posted by PlainVanillaATX

You a girl with a mandle? How could anyone ever think such a thing? What about your writing style could possibly suggest that? lol
It's not cool to be disrespectful, but always remember there are two sides to every story. Very rarely will someone fess up there side or part in matters.

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
I kept it general and not specific....

You a girl with a mandle? How could anyone ever think such a thing? What about your writing style could possibly suggest that? lol Originally Posted by Windinhishair
Easy on the fire water there Chief.... Nice is to a certain point....

To address the OP's post: threatening a bad review is a very real thing. A hobbyist has NOTHING to lose, whereas a provider has EVERYTHING to lose. If a hobbyist gets a bad rep, he can change his handle, change his hobby phone, and start over, avoiding anyone he's seen before. If a provider gets a bad review, it's almost impossible to start over without someone finding out who she used to be. And in rare cases, a negative review can have devastating consequences.